Is this news good/bad?

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Hi everyone! So this is my first author to the audience communication. I hope you all are having fun reading this story. If you do, then I would love to hear your views in the comment section. Also, I just wanted to tell you guys that I am really grateful to all of you for reading my story. And at last, I just wanted to tell you guys that I am an Indian. Meaning I am from India, it's a country in South Asia. Just google it. So, back to the topic. As you know I am from India, so in the upcoming episodes, you may find a bit of Indian taste. So I hope you all support my culture and enjoy it.

Ginny's point of view:

I don't know what's happening with me, but I have started to feel a bit sick. Usually, during this time I am really happy as we will be going back home very soon. I feel very sensitive and sometimes I feel very grumpy. But I have decided not to tell Harry about this as he worries a lot. Once, I by mistake sneezed in front of him and he dragged me all the way to the hospital wing. I, mean yeah it's cute, I know he cares about me, but sometimes it just gets annoying. I have decided to go and talk to Hermione about it tomorrow. By the way, it's late now and I have already said Good Night to Harry and now I am going up my dorm.

~_~_~_~_~_The next morning~_~_~_~_~_~

I wake up all of a sudden and am feeling as if I am about to puke. I quickly run-up to my dorm washroom and puke. I feel someone is holding my hair back and is rubbing circles on my back. After I am done puking (which was quite annoying) I turn back and see Hermione standing. Hermione began saying "Ginny are you alright?" Oh, it's you, Hermione, yes I am alright, actually, I wanted to talk to you. I said. "Sure Ginny", she replied and I went to my bed. Hermione, I don't feel really good nowadays. I described everything to her and he gasped. "Ginny, did you sleep with Harry on the Hogsmeade date?" she asked me in a worried tone. Y-ye-ss I replied as my voice began to tremble. I began thinking how did she come to know? "Listen, Ginny, just don't panic but I think you are pregnant".What!? I gasped and began crying onto Hermione's shoulder. Her-mi-on-ne Harry will dump me. It was my fault. I should have stopped him, I said as I was sobbing. "No Ginny! First a fall, we are not completely sure, and second Harry would be over the moon if you are pregnant. He loves you, Ginny. He will never dump you". I have a pregnancy test, I got it free from a medical store. Now go and check. Hermione told me. I did it as she told and yes I am pregnant. Hermione, I whispered from the bathroom and she jumped to me. Yes, I am pregnant. I squeaked. "Oh, that's wonderful news, Ginny". Hermione said. We sat back on my bed and began talking. My bed is the nearest to the dorm door. Suddenly;y as we were discussing how to tell Ron and Harry about it, the dorm door burst open. I turned and saw a boy with jet black messy hair and a pair of glasses. Harry! I said hope you can make out my tone. You're pregnant, aren't you Gin? He asked me. I inhaled deeply and nodded. I was afraid he might dump me right there but instead, it was an unexpected reaction.

Harry's point of view:-

I got up a bit early today and decided to go to the common room. While going downstairs I hear a voice from the girls' dormitory saying the word pregnant. I recognized that voice. It was Ginny. I asked her and she silently nodded. She must be afraid that I might dump her. But instead, I pulled her into a huge warm hug. Tears were streaming down my eyes. I began saying "Ginny, you don't know how happy you have made me. I always wanted a family of my own, I know it's a bit early but I want you to know that I will be with you at any point". I said and I felt her blowing me a kiss. I quickly kissed her. And then she asked me "Harry, is it good news or bad news?" It very good news for me and I don't care about the other Gin, neither you should. People might shout at us or say awful things. But at the end of the day, once we hold our baby in our arms, we will forget everything. I said. She hugged me tight and whispered. Thanks for understanding me.

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