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"This is it, folks. The moment we've all been waiting for. The final match to determine who will be victor and champion. Will it be Miguel Diaz from Cobra Kai Karate?"

Andy clapped happily, whistling slightly.

"Will it be Robby Keene, unaffili-" The announcer was interrupted by a woman running out and whispering something to him. "Daniel LaRusso is gonna coach! Robby Keene will now be fighting for Miyagi-Do Karate with former champion Daniel LaRusso as his sensei!"

Andy's face fell for a second, but she quickly recovered and clapped and yelled out Robbys name. Miguel glanced at her, and Andy gave him an encouraging smile.

"GO MIGUEL! GO ROBBY!" Andy screamed out.

"Can't decide who you want to win?" Andy glanced over and saw Xander.

"Well ones my...friend and the other is my brother."

"Ah conflicts. Fair enough." He laughed.

"Who you rooting for?"

"Nobody. They're both great fighters even if I never got to fight Keene myself. Either one would be a great champion." He smiled lightly and walked off. Andy blinked a few times and turned back to the match right as it was announced to fight.

After a lot of offense from Miguel and defense from Robby, Robby got the point with a kick to Miguel's chest. She yelled for her brother all while trying to think of good advice.

"The pitching machine." She whispered, glancing at her dad.


"Don't get hit." Johnny finished.

This time it was Robby on offense and Miguel on defense, until he got a kick and punch in and got the point. Andy let out a scream. This next round was kind of a blur, but one thing was clear.

Miguel used Robby's shoulder against him.

LaRusso quickly called for time and Andy wanted to run over to him, but couldn't. The fight resumed and Andy but her lip in nervousness.

"Come on boys!" she shouted. Somehow Robby managed to get Miguel out of bounds with only one arm.

The next round, Miguel realized his weakness. He pushed him and kicked him in the shoulder, trying to hit him too hard to continue. But instead, Robby went up on one and and kicked Miguel straight in the chest with both feet. Andy's mouth dropped open, both in worry for Miguel and for the kick that not even she could do.

Robby tried to be nice, walk over and help him up. Instead, Miguel yanked him to the floor.

"MIGUEL!" Andy yelled in shock, looking at Robby in worry. He glanced at her and gave nod, saying he was okay.

"I found his weakness, sensei. It's his shoulder." Miguel whispered to Johnny.

"Look, I know we wanna win, but it's gonna be the right way. We don't have the fight dirty." Johnny muttered.

"Dirty? There's nothing dirty about winning, Sensei. You taught me that." Andy frowned. "Don't worry. I got this. No mercy."

Andy gulped as she watched her hurt brother and Miguel walk back into the mat. She was scared. Miguel was turning into someone she couldn't recognize.

This was it, the final round. Whoever got the next point would be the champion. Andy's mouth dropped as Miguel did the opposite of what she said. He kicked him the shoulder and then in the stomach, winning the tournament.

Everyone in Cobra Kai screamed. Andy watched with a shocked look as everyone went to crowd around Miguel. He had fought dirty, used a weak point to his advantage. Connecting eyes with her brother, Andy mouthed a small "I'm sorry." He only nodded and smiled at her.

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