"There could be anything in this snow." Meme said, annoyed.

"We should check inside. No one was probably out in this anyway." Socks replied with a grunt.

They walked into the nearest building, checking all the places the impostor might hide a body. "Nothing here," Meme said after checking behind a few boxes.

"I should go by myself. Splitting up is probably better," Meme said suddenly. He didn't really want to leave Socks, but he knew it would be the best way.

"What? No, you aren't going off by yourself. We have to stay together." Socks said firmly.

"Why not?" Meme snapped.

"Because we could die!"

He sighed. "I don't think the impostor would kill one of us if the other is nearby. We don't have to go far."

Socks shook his head. "It's not safe."

"Why do you care?"

"Because I don't want you to die!"

Meme rolled his eyes. "You don't want you to die."

Socks was startled. "Of course I don't, but I care about you too."

Meme scoffed. "No you don't. You still hate me. Why would it change? We argue all the time, that's just how we are. I was stupid thinking it would just change right away."

"What? No, I thought we were actually friends now!"

"It doesn't feel like it! We still haven't even talked about me saving your life! You're welcome, by the way!" Meme replied sharply.

Socks snapped. "Oh, thanks! Thanks for leaving me in the snow when I found Muffin! And not believing me at the meeting!"

"Sorry!" Meme said sarcastically. "Want me to go off alone now, if I'm such a terrible person? Do I deserve to die?"

"No, but-" Socks began. He could tell he had touched a nerve.

"No! I'm done with this! If all we ever do is fight, why are we even friends?"

Socks looked back, shock written all over his face. Meme pushed back his guilt. "I'm going off by myself," he said, voice hoarse. "Don't follow me."

Meme didn't feel the cold as he went to look for traces of the impostor; the heat of his anger and sadness chased it away like a flame.


The crewmate held his task list closer to his face. It was dark in Polus, and hard to see anyway even inside when the lights were on.

But the lights had turned off a few minutes ago, and the crewmate couldn't read the list. I hope someone fixes it or something, he thought grumpily. I can't do anything in this darkness!

Finally, the lights flickered and turned on. He was standing in the snow, but something like a street light lit up the area around him.

The crewmate began to walk. He wasn't paying attention with his task list to his face, and didn't see the lurking shape beginning to creep toward him. He didn't notice how the shape pulled a gleaming knife out of his suit and pointed it at him.

Suddenly the shape stepped out of the shadows. The crewmate took a step back with a gasp. The impostor.

He had only half believed that was who was killing the crew, but now he saw it firsthand.

The crewmate couldn't do anything as the impostor dragged the knife across his throat, cutting off his scream. The impostor stabbed him once more in the stomach, and the crewmate felt the world start to spin around him.

Whoever the impostor was shoved him roughly backward. In his state, the crewmate lost his balance quickly but instead of falling into the snow he felt himself falling down and down.

The crewmate caught a glimpse of the impostor's face, and gasped as he did. How could he do this? He had known this person almost his whole life.

He fell deeper and deeper until he hit the lava.

The crewmate was filled with an unbearable burning agony, but it didn't last long before he faded completely.


1183 words

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