Dong Hua watched her as she bent to put the tray and her unbound raven hair fall from her shoulder like a waterfall. She scooted down by the table and flicked back her hair locks in place, sending a puff of the peach blossom towards Dong Hua and for a second the soft scent made his mind go blank, the plain maid robe and the absence of phoenix flower on her forehead did nothing to her shining aura.

"I just took a disguise, now he is not even looking at me, " She huffed. 

The statement couldn't be far from the truth, to Dong Hua it seems like since he had met her. He can not look away from her.

That shook him off his trance and his stone eyes glinted with mischief.

"Did you say something?" Dong Hua asked.

"Nothing, " She shook her head and poured the tea.

"Hm, So Have you thought about it? " Dong Hua asked.

"Thought about what?" She asked, meeting his eyes.

"How are you going to pay back your debt?"

"What debt?" Feng Jiu asked in genuine confusion.

Dong Hua tilted his head, not leaning on his hand anymore instead his hand was dangling from the armrest lazily.

"I saved you twice, " He said.

Feng Jiu gave a thought for a second, is he talking about the fact that he healed her after she got injured by the heavenly princess but that just once and does it even count? Is Di Jun attempting to trap her in an unnecessary debt?

"Di Jun, you only healed me once and if we are talking about being even. I save you and help you once too, in that account now we are even, " Feng Jiu's voice took an animated turn as she smiled.

"How could this be? Didn't you? yourself said that you were just on the right time with the right information and I have saved people so many times, mortal or immortal all will be in debt to me forever, " Dong Hua said, eyebrow raised.

Feng Jiu looked at him, open mouth and stunned, the victory she had-or she thought she had in the victory banquet was taken away so spectacularly, that she can not do anything but stare at him with wide eyes.

"In that case, if I am not wrong I have helped you get rid of an unwanted suitor, healed you from severe injury and even not let the third prince take you away to gift Cheng Yu, "

Feng Jiu pressed her lips, restraining herself from saying anything, she wanted to say that an unwanted suitor could be deflected without his help, there was no need. If he had not talked so highly of her, there would be no string of suitors and Gu Gu won't have set blind dates for her and well...the rest of it won't follow. All of his fault but he turns it all around so nicely to her, her counter-argument has to be something that would seal his mouth shut. She took a deep breath with a smile. She took the teacup and handed it to him and he took it.

"This is me paying my life debt to you, " Feng Jiu said.

Mischief glint didn't waver in Dong Hua's eyes, he is enjoying this too much. At this stage, even Ling Song who dared to and failed to miserably get in his nerves gave up. The Young Princess of Qing Qiu seems quite adamant to get an upper hand. This is getting interesting.

"Well if you have planned to serve your way out of your debt, a drop of kindness had to be repaid by the ocean, I suppose you have to at least serve here for ten thousand years...." Dong Hua said, sipping his tea silently and looking at her now scowling face, his face was composed beside his eyes laughing. 

"Di Jun, "

"Hm?" Dong Hua put the teacup down elegantly turning leaning his head back to his hand, giving her full attention or he just doesn't want to miss her adorable face scrunched up in scowled.

She huffed vexed.

"I think you could be quite a thick face sometimes, "

Feng Jiu kneeled on the floor and him sitting on a dwarf footed divan, faces up close, they were drawn to each other not realizing how close they were. Their eyes locked.

"Yes," the corner of his lips turned up in a smile and the soft turn, the rarity of that moment took Feng Jiu's breath away and she forgets that she has a verbal battle to win.

In Xiwun Palace, Lord Bai Yi was fuming with yet another disappearance of his wayward daughter. It's been three weeks! Now he had lost his temper. Bai Qian tries to assure her brother but all in vain.

"Do you know how many young eligible bachelors I had to refuse?" Bai Yi said to Bai Qian as put down his tea.

"Brother, it's fine. She is so young, she will have plenty of suitors when she gets there, " Bai Qian said.

"How would she go there, if she keeps this up? Her weapon hiding ceremony is in three months. Has her sword ready? Has she had enough training? If she doesn't learn to owe up to her commitments? What kind of a queen would she be in the future?"  Bai Yi scolded.

Bai Qian sighs, not knowing what to say. It is true Xiao Jiu now has to turn a bit serious. It's up to her now to find out where she went, but where is she? Why can't she track her fairy energy? 

Dong Hua Di Jun, you just can't win against him, how did you like this chapter? Let me know in the comments.

Stay safe & healthy

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