How much crack did Kiyotaka snort?

"The nice but sad goldfish had a crush on me like a really hard crush. It was a guy by the way so I assume he was also hard."

This did not turn the way anyone expected it to.

"The energetic girl goldfish was a good fish tool but it had a very rare evolution. The girlfriend goldfish. I liked the girlfriend goldfish. Before she broke my heart on her birthday."

LOL, he got dumped by his girlfriend on her birthday.

"I really liked her too. I prepared the perfect goldfish birthday gift for her and the perfect goldfish date and she still broke my heart at the best part of the goldfish date."

This is getting sad now.

"Like, what the hell, I had saved her over and over but then she had always told me she loved me. Even on the date, we made out and she kept saying she loved me but she still broke up with me. This is why I will never ever have a girlfriend again."

Okay, this is getting pretty personal.

"Now, my goldfish gang. There was the big big finned goldfish and the big fin shy goldfish. There was also the bro goldfish and the nerd goldfish. They were a great goldfish gang. Before I broke the big fin shy goldfish's heart on the date I was heartbroken by girlfriend goldfish."

This man deserved to be broken up with.

"Speaking of breaking hearts, there was another goldfish who wasn't really impressive but she confessed to me on Christmas but all I could think of was the cold and Jesus."

Confused screaming.

"And there was also another big finned goldfish who was actually and not fake. She believed in friendship or something. I broke her heart when I was also on my last date with my girlfriend goldfish."

Kiyotaka can go to hell.

"There was also a stalker goldfish who stalked me but then she became pretty irrelevant."

Irrelevant to what?!

"Then there was idiot trio goldfish gang. The useless goldfish, the dog goldfish, and the simp goldfish."

How much therapy does this guy need?

"The dog goldfish had loved the cold and black younger sister goldfish and he liked sports."

That was the only normal description he had made about someone.

"The simp goldfish liked some weird ugly goldfish for like two years and then they finally started dating and then..."

And then?



"The useless goldfish was expelled by a crippled goldfish and it was really funny because he was so useless and trashy."

This man can't explain for shit.

"Speaking of the crippled goldfish, she was very smart but was a cripple and looked like a loli."

This guy doesn't know the meaning of not being a rude ass, does he?

"She had two goldfish lackeys like the snake goldfish who isn't important and the beer goldfish who was pretty hot."

Didn't this guy have a girlfriend?

So why is he calling another person hot?

Damn, he deserved to be heartbroken.

"And there was also the crazy goldfish gang. There was the violent lizard goldfish, the tissue goldfish, the Albert goldfish, the tsundere goldfish, and the extremely cute lovely goldfish."

What the hell is an 'Albert'.

"I beat up the crazy goldfish gang a lot of times except for the cute lovely goldfish."

Why in the world would he beat a gang of people up?!

"Not to mention there was a lot of annoying goldfish too like the one punched goldfish, the no fighting goldfish, the devil goldfish, and so many others."

Clearly, these are all his delusions at this point.

"I like goldfish."

It's pretty obvious.

"They have an interesting system of value, worth, and criticism. Whether they are terrible or not is solely up to one's own interpretation of the system and where and how they view it."

The fuck.

"I believe that they are utterly worthless but that's what makes them likeable in the first place."


"There is no perfect goldfish. Nothing is perfect in this world. Perfection is only an ideal. An impossible ideal that can never be reached."

Kiyotaka, did the goldfish hurt you?

"I hurt myself, I hurt a lot of goldfish. Goldfish also hurt me. Everything hurts just like how I hurt the goldfish-"



What happened?

Did he stop?


He's dead.

He died from an overdose.

Look behind him.

There's a tube inserting crack straight into his veins.

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka had died from overdosing on crack.

Last words: Goldfish.


A/N: Lol. This took like an hour at most to write and I don't even know what I was writing.

Also, I wrote something again. Not as much as the date but I wrote I guess.

Ignore this mostly since this was all on my whim and I didn't really plan this out.

Stuff just came out of my mind and uh yeah so it's probably okay at best.

I hope you all enjoyed this and thank you for reading this.


Also, if anyone has watched FSN abridged by Project Mouthwash then yeah I got inspiration from that.

Nix out.

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