"Mhmm I love your loyalty towards India because I know she ran her mouth to you." He laughed as he sat up a little. "But Asia was someone I once loved, the thing is my mind didn't trust her but my heart did, everyone swore she was an opp and I was too damn blind to see that shit. I will never allow myself to get that vulnerable about a woman ever again. I believe with Asia it was more lust then love, many think that I don't want a lady to settle down with because I'm so tied down with these streets but shit changed, I'm looking for a wife now. Not no hoe or nothing, a damn wife. A lady, someone classy and respects their selves."

"That's a good mindset to have, I know many women who has the mindset of partying ever single night and depending on their mans for everything, rather have a boyfriend for the rest of their lives instead of a husband to settle down, allow their man to run over them and control them, because of the money. Round of applause to the independent and classy women who works hard for what they accomplish and don't need to depend on a man for any damn thing. That's a real ass woman in my opinion." I explained sincerely.

I slowly looked over at him noticing he didn't reply and was a little surprise as I seen him just staring at me for a long time. The look he gave me was really different and I didn't know what kind of look it was. It was mostly an admiration look.

"Anyway, let me finish this essay." I laughed nervously as I started back typing. "I'm hungry, do you have anything I can cook or something?"

"Shit I know damn well I don't cook that much but I do got some shit in there, it's stocked and shit."

"Do you mind if I cook?"

"Hell Nah I don't mind, don't be burning my kitchen up and shit." He sternly said.

"Boy I ain't never done that. I be throwing down for real." I laughed.

"I'ma be in the kitchen watching you though, to make sure you don't poison me." He told me and I laughed loudly but immediately stopped as I noticed he was serious.

"Oh wow Von, why the hell would I do that?" I scoffed. "I really wish you would just shut up and trust me."

"Mhmm but on some reals shit, I've been thinking and I don't want you mixed up with Jerome and shit, I'll handle that shit. This ain't got nothing to do with you lil foenem and I don't want you to get hurt because of me. You got shit going for your self and I want you to focus on that." He told me.

"Seriously? Are you sure?" I asked surprisingly.

"Yeah, focus on that degree. I want you to become a doctor for real. I ain't never met no female that wanted to be something big, except for India who wants to be a lawyer and shit but usually the females I fuck around with wants a part of my lifestyle and want to be hard ass gangsters. You different mahogany and I want you to remain different then these other females."

"You're not so bad." I smiled while nudging him. "That really just touched my heart, I appreciate you for thinking of me in that way." I blushed. "By the way, you have the most prettiest smile."

"Aight mahogany, now yo ass just trying to flirt." He grinned and I playfully playfully him.

"Hmm I don't know Dayvon, I think you may have a crush on me: you're being awfully nice and showering me with compliments." I smirked while getting ready to submit my assignment.

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