Down dog! Good boy

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Hound dog x (y/n)
Master/servant relationship

Quirk: Servant; The user emits a constant aura and can't stop it. This aura makes all animals and people with animal-like quirks want to serve them. The aura becomes stronger the longer the user is around the animal or animal-like quirk user.
Drawbacks: if the user is within 10 feet of the animal or animal quirk user will fall victim to the aura. After 4 hours the animals become more and more needy and violent. They get jealous easily and hate being ignored. If the user ignores them for too long then the animals will turn on them until time is reset. The only way to reset time is to put 11ft between the user and animal so the quirk stops its effect.
Those who are effected by the quirk will find the need to be around you again after the effect stops.

(Y/n)'s POV

I'm a first year at the prestigious hero school U.A. I'm in the hero course obviously, but it gets kinda weird. Every day when I walk in class I practically get attacked by my two best friends Tokoyami and Tsu. At first I didn't want to be their friends, mostly because I saw Tokoyami's bird head and Tsu's frog tongue. I didn't want to just be their friends because of my quirk. I feel like that's cheating!

But eventually they grew on me. Tokoyami always carries my books and Tsu loves having sleepovers. God forbid I don't come to school for some reason. One time I was sick and they showed up at my house just to take care of me. I thought my quirk only worked within 10ft!!! Surprisingly, they actually like hanging out with me. They don't see me as their master like other animals. They see me as their friend. One that needs constant care but still, a friend.

I'm also very close with koda. Koda doesn't talk much but he has plenty of pets just like me and loves interacting with them. We mostly bond over our quirks but other than that we indulge in cute animal talk. Tokoyami and Tsu get jealous though so I try to keep my talks with koda under 2 hours. I don't want my two best friends to attack koda or anyone else so every 3 hours I go somewhere else in the school just to put some distance between us. This is when I started visiting the guidance counselor.

At the time I didn't know that our guidance counselor is hounddog! During my first visit I only stayed for 2 minutes because I didn't want my quirk to have too much of an effect on him. As soon as I walked in and saw his features I tried to leave. But he looked up from his desk and BARKED AT ME. I was surprised and didn't know what to do. I've never gotten that reaction before! I turned around and saw him cover his mouth. He must be surprised with himself. Though it makes sense. Dogs are mankind's best friend. They are naturally drawn to a master unlike birds or cats.

I was curious so I walked closer, but he backed away from me.

"STAY AWAY!" He yelled while trying his best to look for an exit. He must not be used to having to serve someone. It's not like I want him to but it's interesting. Normally an animal or person will just start asking for orders, follow me, or start doing things with out me asking. No questions asked, just serve. But hounddog was different. He didn't want to serve me. Or he did but wanted to keep his reputation.

"I'm sorry. Look, I'm not dangerous. I assume you felt the need to submit to me. That's my quirk, though I can't stop it. My apologies" I say while slowly approaching him. He stopped moving away and growled at me, immediately after, he whined. He's fighting back. Well, at least trying to.

That day I just stopped moving towards him and walked out. I don't want to force him but I also want to know what makes him soo special. Why can he fight back my aura but others can't?

A few days later, I was called to principal nezu's office.
"Oh god" I sighed.

"Just go, leave your things. I'm sure it's just another check up." Aizawa sensei said while laying in his sleeping bag. I nod and leave the room. Tokoyami tried to follow but Tsu kept him back.

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