Chapter 3

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     The school day went by quickly. "Hey uenoyama you want to play basketball with us?", the boys asked as uenoyama slung his bag over his shoulder.
       "Nah our band has a meeting today we're gonna be doing another performance pretty soon...", he said as he started to walk out the door.
        "Oh really tell me when it is i want to go-", uenoyama walked out the door before he could finish talking.  (A/N: sorry i forgot the friends names so when im refuring to the two guys who play basketball and stuff ima just call em boys i dont know their names...if anybody does know please tell me in the comments)
    Uenoyama began heading towards mafuyus classroom.  As he got to the door and looked around mafuyu was nowhere insight.
    "Oh are you looking for mafuyu?", one of the students asked.  "If you are he went to the office somebody he knew came to see him."
     " I saw him he was really handsome!", one of the girls exclaimed blushing.
      "Thx.", Uenoyama said.  As Uenoyama was about to head to the office so he could walk home with mafuyu he saw mafuyu walking from the entrance somebody by his side. 
    He srood there for a second was a boy with brown hair and as the girl said he was handsome.  As uenoyama continued to stare at the pair he couldnt help but think mafuyu looked uncomfortable.
     He began moving again this time not as slow.  As he made it pass the school gate he saw mafuyu and the boy.
      "Mafuy-", he started but then stopped not being able to breath as a feeling came over him. The boy suddenly pulled mafuyu into a kiss!!!????
Yeah thats the end sorry for the short and awful chapter..but dont worry im gonna go back and edit my past chapter including this one and chapter 1.  All of them were rushed and i really like this story so im going to rewrite them...nothing is really gonna change from what happened when i edit them but im gonna make it better...sorry for the rushed chaps im busy but i love writing fanfics.

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