Awake and Trying

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The darkness consumed Matt as his cylinder platform started to rise. He was in the dark for a minute? Two minutes? Of course, the stupid District 7 boy is claustrophobic and afraid of the dark. Another minute, or what seemed like it, went by before Matt was blinded by the articificial light of the arena.

All he could tell about the arena as it required hiking boots, regular pants and a light jacket. Being from the tree district, he had a green stripe on the insid layer of his coat.

Once the terrain came in view, Matt insnspected the area around him. Dark forest, mountains in the distance. Far off, the glimmer of a lake. And to his horror, the two District 2 tributes were beside him.

Darla the dark haired bombshell. She scored a 9 in training. Much to her outrage as they found out she went up to the Trainers demanding why it was so low.

And of course Josh. He had silver/ grey bangs with black hair otherwise. He had piercing blue eyes that stayed locked ahead. Remembering from training, Josh had a metal stick through his tongue. That was just sickening! Well not like Matt could do it- too poor and too wimpish.

He was standing in a running position where as Darla was motioning with hand gestures to the District 1 girl, Amanda. Darla tried to get Josh's attention but he staired straight.

"Josh!" she called out. Josh just stared forward. She stopped only to get ready to run.Wha- and the gong sounded as Josh ran to the golden Cornacopia in the middle. Being the stupid boy, he ran at full speed towards the forest where some tributes were already dispersing to. The bloodbath was already at full strength as he caught a glimpse of Josh shooting some arrows at people.

Sprinting into a clearing he dropped to his knees exhausted. He was strong but not fit. Sprinting all his energy out was stupid. What if the Career pack came out at him at this point? He'd be dead.

Treading in between trees trying to hide he felt his need for food and water. Stupid him didn't have anything and lost location of the lake. Good job Matt he thought bitterly. He found of these purple looking berries. He collected a few in case the were edible. He was too ignorant trying to "show off" in training by avoiding survival skills. He failed didn't he?

As night approached, so did the need for the jacket. He felt cold run up and down his body in terrifying waves. He burrowed in a bush in fear of hypothermia and tributes. Crouched in the bush, he saw a tribute walk by. The boy from District 12.

He had a canteen and judging by the swish of liquids from it, it was full. Using his skillfull theif skills, he took the canteen without him noticing. He didn't want to mess with the six foo tall monster and his sword.

Taking a swig at the water, Matt scaled a tree with ease. He was from the tree district wasn't he? Up in the tree, he saw the Cornocopia, still brimming with supply and glinting the moonlight. He saw the Career's camp, a fire burning in the middle of it all. Of course the Careers weren't afraid.

He knew Darla, Amanda and Josh were part of the group. Craning his neck, he saw 3 girls and two boys around the fire. One of the guys probably off hunting off prey and tributes. How he wanted the heat of that fire. He smelled the faint smell of roasting meat. They probably were roasting some game. Or a person for all he knew.

Perched in the tree, he wrapped himself in his jacket as he lay in the tree away from view of anyone from anywhere. He would have to sleep here tonight. No where else to go. At least he survived the first night right?

Looking up in the sky, he watched as all the dead tributes were projected. The girl from District 3, both from District 5, the girl from District 6, the girl from District 7. Both from 8, 9 and the boy from District 10. The girl from District 11 and the duo from District 12. The boy he stole water from.

Awake and Trying- (Hunger Games and Marianas Trench <Jatt> Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now