Julia♡ pt 2

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Remember when i kissed Jacob? Its been a week how's he never talked to me again. I actually got a best friend! His name is Noah. You'll ask about Loui? Oh he's still that brat.

I was just chillin when suddently a girl came up to me...

"Hey have you seen Louis? I can't find him anywhere"- The girl asked

"Yeah he's near the coffee shop he told me he's there. By the way who are you?"- i asked

"Oh im Millie, nice to meet you. Im Louis first girlfriend!"-

"GIRLFRIEND?? BAGAHHA i mean ohh.. Im Julia im new here. Louis is my roommate. Come in! Lets have a girls talk."- I said while she got her ass on Louis bed.

We talked for HOURS. She told me about her life i told her about mine. I think i really like her now.

The door opened and we saw Louis going in with Noah.

"What are you doing here?" - Louis asked

"I tried to find u but i saw Julia so we had a girls chat!! Omg she's so cool!! I think we can be friends now!! FOUR OF US YAY!!!"- Millie said

"U like Julia? She's sooo annoynggg lmao."- Louis

"Aren't ur the one that told me he doesn't like love?"- I snapped back.

"Stop guys! Cmon Sis Millie let's go"- Noah.

Yeah turns out they were brother and sister HAHA.

"So how's Millie? Isn't she adorable?"- i asked Loui.

"I guess she is. I do like her a lot."- Louis answered.

"Cute."- i fake smiled.

"What about u and Noah? Aren't yall dating?"- Loui asked again

"I wish lol. JK JK nah were just friends"- i told him.

Kinda wish we were more than friends...

I got tired and went to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of spilling water. THIS BITCH JUST SPILLED WATER ON MY FACE!!

I screamed so mad and started to catch him. As i tried to catch him i sliped, grabed his t-shirt and we both fell at the direction of me on top of him. I started feeling butterflies. Idk why i hate him. As soon as we looked at each other we quickly stood up and just awkwardly went to the school. Yeah..
Loui would randomly punch me and i would punch him back out of anger.

Noah would do the same and would give me butterflies as well.

I was doing my homework alone Louis wasn't there he was out with Millie. I heard a knock so i oppened the door and saw Noah. I let him in and we both studied.

"Thank you for helping with my homework NoAh"- i joked.

"Your welcome JuLiA"- he joked as well.

We both got in bed and were about to sleep...

"Are we about to kiss right now"- Noah asked joking.

Then i grabed his face and kissed him...

"Julia i was just joking haha"- Noah said awkwardly.

"Idc i love you."- i convinced to him.

"Love you too Jul"- Noah said and kissed me again.


We slept the hole night. It was friday so we didn't have to go to school on saturday. I woke up. Everyone else was sleeping. Lou was with Millie i was with Noah. I gave a quick kiss to Noah and went to the bathroom. There wasn't a lock so i just started getting naked. I looked at my naked body.

"Im fat"- i told myslef.

"Yeah u are"- I hear a voice behind me...


I was so bad. I don't really care tho cause Loui was like my Mean ass brother. He isn't my brother tho don't worry.

I got in the shower and after i got dressed and ate some breakfast. Once again i got a hair pull from the bitch Louis and we all 4 went to the mall.

Me and Millie went to the girls spot while the boys folowed us. We took a hour to get some clothes. Louis and Noah were pissed. Haha. We finally got done, paid and gave each others boyfriends a kiss on the forehead.

We got home Noah and Millie left and Loui was playing on the phone.

" Hey Louis, im bored, wanna watch a movie?"- i asked him

"No"- he answered.

"Please Louiii"- i begged.

"I said noo!"- he answered.

I grabbed a pillow and trew it at him. He then grabbed his skateboard and chased me on the kitchen.

"Sorry Louiii don't u dare trow that skateboard at me!!!"- I shouted.

"U think i would do that? Nah im not a psychopath."- Louis.

"Thank god"- Julia.

He finally agreed watching a movie so we sat on the couch and watched the show called "Stranger Things"- it was amazing!!.

It was about 01:12 and we both fell asleep on the couch.

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