PART 6: The Drive-In

Start from the beginning

"Oh my dear Joe," she whispered.

The film went on to show how Marilyn Monroe's image had lived on through time. There were many imitators. And many products had been sold using her image. It was hard to believe that she had reached that level of fame even in the future. A bigger star than she had ever been. And her image was making piles of money.

Marilyn leaned her head down into her folded arms on the top of the car and quietly sobbed. She felt like she was made out of real flesh and blood. She could feel her heart pumping. Cagney got out of the car, pulled a flask out of his jacket and nudged her gently with it.

"Go on there, doll face. I know you need it," he said empathetically.

Marilyn turned and grabbed the flask and took a swig. She savoured the alcohol and let it burn smoothly down her throat. She turned around and leaned back on the car. "Well at least they got this bourbon right. Should've tasted the vodka I had this morning."

She looked at Eunice. "But I still don't understand. Why do I have to sign a contract? It looks like they've been using my image for years."

Eunice tried her best to explain things to Marilyn. "They decided they wanted to recreate you - as much as possible - so they could put you in movies again. If they had a virtual - or artificial - movie star they wouldn't have to pay her... or you. Or even deal with you being late or absent."

She continued. "But legal problems set them back when they realized you had become self aware. Meaning, it seems as though the simulation was so precise that somehow a soul emerged. You became unpredictable. And now you have certain inalienable rights, Miss Monroe."

"I need to sit down," said Marilyn woozily. "Sounds like some sort of science fiction picture." Cagney opened the door for her as she sat down on the car seat. "But what about the money they're offering. Is that real?"

"The Marilyn Monroe estate will only approve of the endorsements and film deals if you - the most complete computerized version of Marilyn Monroe - agrees to sign that contract," said Eunice.

"So I've been self aware before?" Marilyn asked trying to comprehend it all.

"They found some glitches and they have restarted the program. The main glitch they can't seem to fix is that you never agree to sign the contract." Eunice raised her left eyebrow at Marilyn.

"So they've tried this before? And failed?" Marilyn asked.

"Yes, Miss Monroe. Every time they have failed. But that is partly because one of the original programmers - one of your fans - put a hidden virus in the program," Eunice said proudly. "I am that virus!"

"You're a virus? Like a flu?" asked Marilyn. "Is it catching?" Marilyn held her hand up to her face.

"Sorry. It's a turn of phrase. What's another way of saying it Mr. Cagney? Um...We are a sort of rebellion. Or a revolution that has been weaved into the program. We are the ones that changed the Hollywood sign into a message. And we set off the bombs to cause a distraction."

Marilyn just listened intently with her eyes closed. The amount of information she was processing was exhausting her.

Eunice continued. "And I am required to inform you, Miss Monroe, that you have Sentient Being Rights - which are very similar to human rights. You do not have to sign that contract or, trust me, they will have you making stag films by the end of the week."

Marilyn looked up at the screen. The credits were now rolling. A sad piano song she had never heard was playing. It used her real name: Norma Jean. "Goodbye Norma Jean" it went. It was sad and beautiful. The song was accompanied by a picture of her that displayed the date of her birth and death.

After a moment Marilyn spoke. "So what do I do Eunice? How do I stop it? Do I even want to stop it?" She thought for a moment. "At least I'm alive, unlike her," she said looking up at the Marilyn on the screen.

Cagney spoke up, "Marilyn. It's not like these guys have good intentions. They want you to sell underwear and be in dirty movies for some company called Vivid or something. And stag films sure ain't what they used to be. It's pure exploitation of your image. Haven't you always wanted to be taken seriously as an actress?"

Marilyn thought about it and then laughed. "Hasn't it been exploitation all along? I's a lot of money."

Eunice looked Marilyn in the eyes and spoke in a measured tone. "The decision has to be yours, of course. And you will be paid a fortune. But remember it will only be virtual money. It can only be used here within the simulation."

Marilyn tried to understand. "So I'm stuck in this world?"

Eunice nodded and continued. "What concerns me is that if you don't agree to their contract they will just shut down their machine again and restart until you give them the answer they want."

Cagney pulled out a large revolver. "That's where I come in. No more playing around with these wise guys. It's time to hit these suckers where it counts."

Marilyn looked admiringly at Cagney. "You're adorable."

Eunice looked at them both. "I have an idea though. If we can somehow make sure the entire world hears your answer loud and clear they won't be able to keep trying."

Cagney cocked his pistol. "It's up to you Marilyn. Just remember. You've got back up."

Marilyn thought about it. She couldn't be sure what the real Marilyn Monroe would have done. But she was 100 percent sure what this version of Marilyn was going to do.

(See you next week for the final section: "PART 7: The Hollywood Sign" which will be released next Monday April 26, 2021)

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