Theo sat up and grinned, "Oh, right." He held his arm and carefully got to his feet. As I got a closer look, his arm did look like it was in pretty bad shape. It was bloodied and bruised and if he wasn't holding it, his arm would have likely fallen limp. "Malfoy, do you have any numbing potion in that medicine cabinet of yours? This arm is killing me, and the medic tent is currently at capacity."

"I might, but you'd have to go check." Draco shrugged, "I don't keep this place fully stocked like I used to because I don't live here."

"I'll go check right now." Theo said enthusiastically.

"I'll go with him." Pansy shot Draco a look, and he nodded back appreciatively as the two walked off towards the Manor.

Blaise pat Draco on the back and smirked, "Glad to see you made it out alive, Malfoy. I didn't think you would honestly."

"I told you he would make it." Luna said omnisciently. She had a dreamy look in her eye just like Trelawney used to get in Divination.

"Barely." I muttered as I looked back at Blaise. "You wouldn't believe if if I told you that the phoenix from your building showed up just in time to save his arse."

Blaise raised a brow. "Narcissa's bird, you mean? That wouldn't surprise me at all, actually."

"What?" I frowned. The only person I had ever known to actually own a Phoenix was Dumbledore. I wasn't sure if it were even entirely legal. "How come I didn't know about this?"

Draco nodded, "You know Mum's affinity for rare and exotic birds. Soleil has lived in the building since we bought it."

"You own that entire high-rise?" My eyes widened, "You never told me that."

"Would it really make a difference if you had a list of every Malfoy-owned property in writing?" Blaise questioned me.

I could feel my face getting hot. "I suppose not, but that seems like kind of a big thing to never mention even once."

"Rory!" Fleur's voice sang out. Luna smiled knowingly and pulled Blaise away as Fleur hurried over to the two of us with Bill in tow. He was watching his wife with concern. She pulled me into a hug and kissed each of my cheeks before doing the same to Draco. "I have been looking everywhere for you both."

"Then both of us?" Draco sounded confused, "Why?"

"I 'ave big news." She smiled broadly and looked at Bill. The excitement was practically pouring out of her. Her energy was contagious, I stood there anxiously waiting for her to explain. "Or should I say We 'ave news." She touched Bill's arm, "I am 'ow you say... with child?" She looked at Bill to make sure she said that right as she rested her hand on her stomach.

"Fleur is pregnant." Bill said proudly as he confirmed his wife's statement. "I didn't want her to participate in the fight because of it, but she wouldn't take no for an answer."

My jaw went slack and I could feel my eyes light up, "Congratulations you two!" I pulled Fleur in for another hug and she squealed excitedly in my arms.

"Why are you telling us this news?" Draco asked suspiciously. He looked towards Fleur's stomach with doubt and then back at Bill. "Shouldn't you be telling all the various Weasleys running around?" He pointed out a few red heads within shouting distance from us and looked at him skeptically.

"Ginny knows, and possibly Luna, but that's it." Bill said, "it's still very early. It's too soon to be telling a lot of people. I wanted Fleur to wait to tell the news, but—"

"Still, why are you telling us?" Draco repeated the question and pointed between him and myself.

"We 'ave decided we want you both to be the godparents." Fleur smiled. "After seeing 'ow taken Victoire is with you both, it just made sense in our 'eads."

NUMB WITHOUT YOU | Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now