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Off topic, but I made a tik tok and the name is seasonedcockroach if anyone wants to know XD I'm posting head cannons all the time there. Anyways, to the story now 😘✌ oh- and my insta is kwispy_roach

The next day, Seven texted you when exactly Zen's next musical was. You thanked him, and were sitting in the library with Satan. He was reading a book peacefully, while you were watching YouTube videos with earbuds. Satan tapped on your shoulder, so you paused the video and asked him what he wanted.

"That necklace," he pointed to the necklace with bright blue jems on it that you found in heaven "what is it called?"

"I dont know." You shrugged "just know it protects me and it practically gives me a body anyone can see anywhere if I'm touching it. I cant get hurt though."

"Ah.." Satan looked at it intensely "and... no one other than you can touch it without getting hurt?"

"I think so?" You looked at it "that's what Luke said."

"Such a shame." He sighed "I was hoping to inspect it if it was alright with you."

"You can." You smiled and took the necklace off "just dont touch it with your skin. Use rubber gloves or something."

You set the necklace down on the table and Satan started to look for you. You sat right there next to him still, but he couldnt see you. You put your finger on one of the broken jems and watched as he landed his eyes directly on you again.

You giggled while wrapping it around your wrist "yeah, this things awesome, but it sucks that I have to touch it in order to be seen."

Satan rubbed the back of his head "It does... would you like me to get you some tea?"

"Oh, sure." You smiled "thank you."

"You're welcome." He smiled back.

Satan stood up and walked out of the library. You sat there with your phone in silence, closed the app, and looked at the book Satan was reading. It was of a book that was about the rarest kinda of jems, rocks, and crystals. Soon enough, Satan came back with Solomon.

You smiled at the human "Solomon! Hey, I missed you!"

"I missed you as well." He smiled back.

He hugged you, and sat down in the chair opposite of Satan, while the demon sat down in his chair, handing you your tea. You took the cup and sipped the sweet tea.

"Y/n, I'm very glad you're back." Solomon said nicely.

"Oh, me too." You chuckled and set your tea down on the table "I cant even get hurt if I jump out of a plane without a parachute."

Mammon walked in the library and kissed your forehead, then sat in the seat opposite of you "whatcha talking about?"

"Y/n's new abilities." Solomon said to the demon, then turned back to you "so that necklace is basically the only reason why you're here?"

"Yeah." You nodded and slid it off your wrist, handing it to him "watch this."

You dropped the necklace in Solomons hands, and watched at your reflection of you dissapeared in his eyes. You giggled at none of the men knowing where to look. Solomon put the necklace on the table and stood up, looking for you. You stood up, and walked behind the human. He turned around and smiled as if he found you, but his eyes werent on you.

"Found you." He chuckled "I can feel your energy."

You groaned at not being able to surprise the wizard. He picked up the necklace and handed it to you. You took it, and saw him smile at you reappearing.

"Boo." You giggled a few seconds after you reappeared "bitch I'm a ghost."

Mammon tried to suppress his laughs after he remembered the song lyrics.

Solomon giggled lightly, then asked "would you like me to give you a physical body without worrying about your necklace falling or anything?"

"No." You smirked "I'm good."

"Why not?" He asked.

"Because you're sketchy as fuck and you want something."

Solomon sighed "you're right."

"What do you want?" You asked while sitting back down in your seat.

"Your necklace." Solomon said "its power, I like power."

"Of course ya do." Mammon rolled his eyes.

"Its been great to see you, Solomon, but," you sighed "you can fuck off if you're after my necklace. Because if you try to take it, I wont hesitate to try and kill you."

"That's fair." Solomon nodded while starting to walk out "and very understandable. It was great to see you as well, y/n. Have a good day."

"You too." You smiled and watched him walk out "are you serious?" You asked Satan and Mammon while sipping your tea "he is my friend, but damn, he's like a snake."

Satan sipped his tea "you're very right, but it could be a good idea to get a physical body without worrying about vanishing in front of us."

You put your necklace back on your neck "but then I'd be alive again. I died, I dont age, I can stay with you guys forever now without growing old and gross."

"Yea, but.." Mammon sighed heavily "I'd like to do it with ya without worrying youd vanish while we're in the middle of it."

"True." You groaned "it's just one problem after another!"

"Yes, it is." Satan sipped his tea and flipped his page in his book "but that's just how things are, no matter what."

I Still Need You! {I'm greedy for you! Sequal}(Mammon x Female Reader)[COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now