"Italia! My baby!", I hear someone cry. I turn around and see my mom running towards me. I drop my bag and meet her halfway as we spin around. "Mom!". She holds the back of my head as she cries into the crook of my neck. "My God how I've missed you. Look at you! You look as stunning as ever", she says as she steps back to look at me. I blush at her comment and turn to motion the boys over. I hug Michael but he's too awestruck to even do anything. I let out a laugh as my mom rolls her eyes. "Mom, Michael, this is Anthony, and Sebastian...my boyfriend"

Sebastian hugs my mom and so does Anthony, and then they shake Michael's hand who thankfully snaps out of his daze. "Boyfriend?", my mom asks, a huge smile plastered on her face. I nod my head and she cheers as she pulls Sebastian into another hug. Anthony laughs and I join him as I watch my mother smother him. "Let's get going. I'm sure you kids are starving", Michael says as he leads us to the car. I eagerly nod my head and grab my bag as we all head towards the exit. The three of us sit in the back and I close the door as Michael starts the car. He turns around in the driver's seat to look at us, a smile on his face. "Everybody good to go?"

We all nod our head and he pulls out of his parking spot. I rest my head on Sebastian's shoulder and listen in as Anthony and Sebastian talk to my mom and my stepdad. I smile to myself, happy that they were all getting along so well. It's all I could ever ask for. "Italia, honey, is everything okay?", my mom asks as she looks at me through the rearview mirror. I nod my head. "Yeah, I'm just listening to you guys, that's all", I shrug as I smile at her. She nods her head and they resume their conversation as I fall asleep on Sebastian.

I eventually wake up to the sound of a car door slamming and open my eyes to see that we're home. "Finally", I whisper as I unbuckle myself. I get out and stretch as I stare at their house. Just a few months ago I stood here and made the biggest, most life changing decision of my life. It's crazy to think how much has changed since then. How much I've changed. We all go in inside and I show them their rooms. "We're a room short so Sebastian you can stay with Italia in her old room", my mom smiles but I know exactly what she's doing. Anthony smirks as he nudges my mom and I shake my head. They've formed an alliance. The three of us walk upstairs and I show Anthony to his room and then bring Sebastian to our room. "This is it!", I say as I set down my bag. Sebastian looks around and smiles. "I like it. It's cozy"

I nod my head with a smile and take off my shoes. "If you want you can take a shower in my bathroom before supper", I nod towards the bathroom. He nods his head and grabs a clean pair of clothes. He closes the door and I take this opportunity to put away all of my clean clothes. I pick an outfit to wear after my own shower and set it on the edge of my bed. I throw my now empty luggage in the closet and sit down in the chair near the window. I close my eyes and lean my head against the wall as I wait for Sebastian to finish.

When he's done, he walks out nonchalantly, a towel hoisted on his hips and his abdomen bare. I clear my throat and look away as I feel myself blush. "Am I making you flustered?", he laughs. I scrunch my nose and stand up. "Shut up!". He laughs and kisses the top of my head as I grab my things and go into the bathroom. "I won't be too long", I call out as I close the door. He answers back but it's muffled so I just turn the water on and step in. I let the warm water hit every sore muscle and I instantly feel much better than before. I wash my hair twice, and rinse it. I try not to take too long in the shower so when I'm done, I slip on a towel and quickly dry myself. I put my clothes on and then brush through my wet hair. I lightly blow dry it so it's not soaking wet and put all of the towels in the hamper.

"You waited", I smile as I see him sitting on the edge of my bed. He turns to look at me and smiles, his perfect teeth showing. "I did. You were a cute kid", he says as he motions to the picture frame in his hand. I look down and grimace. "Oh not that picture!". I back away and grab another one. "This one is much better". He grabs it from me and smiles. "Kids, dinner is ready!", I hear my mom call from downstairs. "Coming!", I yell back. Sebastian sets down the picture frames and we head downstairs, Anthony following behind us. As expected, when we get downstairs the table is covered with food. "Mom, don't you think it's a little much", I laugh. "It's never too much!", she answers back as she sits down. The three of us sit and we begin to fill our plates.

Airborne {S.S}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora