My Life.

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Y/N Stark. That's me. My dad, Tony, loves me more than anything, even more than mom which says a lot. I love him too. Yeah, we fight, but everyone fights with their parents. My parents tell me all the time they protect me so much because they love me and don't want anything to happen to me. I know they mean what they say, but it's hard being the only one in my family not seeing colors. "Y/N, there's no need to be dramatic. You will find who you're meant to be with and you'll see how beautiful the world is." My mom, Pepper, tells me. "I know. But I'm almost 25, if I don't find him soon what if I never see color. Ever." I respond looking out the window from my dads high rise office. "Don't worry. I was almost 30 when I met your dad. It all worked out for us, just like it will for you."
I knew she was right. It's a mom thing, she's always right. In the back of my head, however, I couldn't help but try and imagine what the color blue would look like. The sky is blue, at least, that's what everyone says, but to me it's nothing but a light gray.
It's been almost 6 years since what is known as the "blip" happened. My dad tells me the story all the time. Him and the avengers took on a great evil, Thanos, and couldn't beat him. Thanos got rid of half the population with a snap of his fingers. Literally. My family and I got lucky. We were spared from the torture of losing each other. Other families weren't so lucky.
"Pepper! I have great news." My dad hollers as he runs into his office.
"Oh really? What's that?" My mom responds enthusiastically.
My dad looks over at me and smiles. "Hello sweetie. Can I have a minute with your mother?"
"I want to know the news! I'm grown now Dad. You can't keep hiding everything from me forever." I say standing my ground.
"Fine. I figured it out." He says with a shocked look in his face.
He really didn't have to explain. My mother and I knew what he meant.
"The blip."  I say.
"Pepper, I can bring him back. All of them. I figured it out." My dad repeats as if he doesn't even believe himself.
Peter Parker is who my dad is referring to. He was a kid that my dad took under his wing before the blip. He was very fond of that kid. He tells me all the time that Peter would've been a brother to me and protected me like my own dad does. He lost Peter when the blip happened. I've only seen my dad cry once and it was after losing Peter.
"Tony... that's amazing." My mother says while hugging my father. I can tell she's happy for him, but I can also tell how concerned she is for the fight to come.
"I already called everyone. They will be here this afternoon." My dad says with a smile. He hasn't seen any of the remaining avengers since right after the blip. There was nothing that could be done at the time so everybody just, went home. I can tell he's happy to see everyone. I'm happy too. When I was younger my dad used to let me play with Steve and Natasha all the time. I haven't seen them in so long.
"Dad, is Steve and Nat coming too?" I ask. They were family not just my dad's coworkers.
"Yes they are. You should heard how excited they got when they heard you'd be here to see them." He replies and hugs me.
I was so excited for my dad to get Peter and his other friends back, but I can't help but think of something that lingers in my mind. What if my soulmate was taken with the blip?

****** time jump to avengers arriving ********

As I sit in the lounge of the tower I heard the elevator ding. The door opens to a very tall blonde with a big smile.
"Steve!" I shout and run to hug him. He's always been much taller than me, so hugging him makes me feel like a kid again.
"Hey peanut." He says. That's what he used to call me all the time. It feels so good hearing it again.
"I'm grown up now, Steve. You can't call me some weird nickname!" I say, obviously joking. He's the only one, other than my parents that I allow to call me anything other than my name.
"It's good to see you grown up y/n. You look just like your father." He says holding me by the shoulders to look at how much I've grown. The last time he saw me I just got out of high school and moved into a dorm at university. Now I graduated from college with a degree in engineering and a minor in physics. I know, I take after my dad.
After almost an hour of catching up with Steve and telling him all about college the elevator door dings once again. I look over at Steve who is smiling bigger than me. I always thought he had a "thing" for Natasha, but I was never sure. I would ask if they see color but I thought that'd be a little invasive.
I jump up and run to the familiar dark haired spy that I still love like a second mother. "Hey Nat." I say with my face buried in her shoulder. She always gave such warm hugs. I always said if something ever happened to my mother, Natasha would be a great replacement.
"Y/N! I'm so glad you're here. When you're dad told me you still lived here I couldn't pass up the opportunity to come back and see you!" She says hugging me tighter than she ever has.
Like I said. My family got lucky. I still have my dad, mom, Nat and Steve. Even though my family is together I know my dad, Nat and Steve all lost people in the blip. Even though my family was whole, I can't help but wonder who they lost. I can't even imagine how it must have felt.

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