"Why would someone beautiful want to be with uncle Rhett?" The teen asked with a grin.

"Fuck you, Charlie," Rhett chuckled.

Charlie's comment made me grin "Well, he has a lot of qualities he keeps hidden underneath that harsh expression; I know it's hard for him to show them, but once he does it's magical."

Rhett's sisters were surprised by my answer "I didn't know someone could speak so highly of you," Katherine commented.

Fiona smiled "Leave them alone, they're in love; give them six months and they'll be as bitter as all of us."

"That's a joke, baby," Rhett immediately said as his hand fell on my thigh. "Do you people want to scare her?"

Mother smiled "Golly, he really likes her."

"Well," Rhett shrugged "yeah, she's my girlfriend."

"Does that mean you are going to use my genes to give me a stunning grandchild?" She asked and Rhett almost chokes on his orange juice, but I only chuckled. "I'm glad you have someone mature with you."

"Mother, we haven't been together that long," Rhett commented. "Don't scare her away."

"It's okay, baby," I gently squeezed his hand. "Our relationship is at an early stage, but once we talk about it, you guys will be the first to know."

"You can marry her," Marianna informed, making everyone around the table laugh, including myself.

Breakfast was lovely, and they interrogated me thoroughly; it was odd having so many people be interested in me, but it was great. When I talked about my parents leaving, Marianna said that she would always be here for me and that my grandpa did an amazing job raising me. She said I'm a fine young woman and everyone agreed which truly made me feel happy.

After having a delicious arroz con leche that tastes just like the one my grandpa learned to make for me—he tried his best to teach me about my Mexican heritage and I am extremely grateful for it—Rhett asked me if I wanted to leave now or wait after everyone opened their presents, and I chose the latter; I don't want to interrupt his family routine.

We sat in the living room, and the gifts were given to their recipients. Rhett was sitting on the armrest of the armchair where I was sitting.

"What did Rhett get you for Christmas, darling?" Katherine asked me as her middle child opened her presents.

"He planned a romantic weekend in the Côte d'Azur but we planned the trip for spring when the weather is much nicer and we can go in the water," I replied without giving it a thought.

Rhett nodded "It's going to be fantastic," he leaned down to peck the top of my head. "Did you know that my girlfriend is twenty-five times richer than your husband?" That comment caught everyone's attention.

"Rhett," I slapped his thigh "shut up; that's not relevant."

"Don't worry, Aurora, she's just doing it to bother me but it doesn't work," Katherine flipped him off.

"What's your last name, Aurora?" Charlie asked.

I cleared my throat "Rothschild."

"As in the owner of New—" Charlie started.

"Just a lot of real estate; I don't own the town," I cleared my throat. "What did your uncle Rhett get you, Clover?" I asked, focusing on the girl.

Clover smiled "Lots of books," she replied. "Do you like books?"

"Love them, sweetheart," I replied with everyone's eyes on me. "I have some first editions from really good books at my house in New York, I'll send the list to your uncle and if you want to read one, I'll have someone send it over," that is such a privileged sentence and I just noticed. "Who's next?"

"I am," Charlie said.

My eyes moved down to my hands; talking about my wealth isn't something I enjoy, unless it's about a donation or something productive. I just feel uncomfortable.

Rhett leaned down to whisper in my ear: "I'm so—"

"We'll talk about it later," I cut him off.

"We'll talk about it later," I cut him off

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