The Faction is born

Start from the beginning

*Towards the end of the fatal 4 way*

Logan was taken out of the match early by all 3 of the other competitors, getting thrown through the announce table and left there while the others participated in the match. It gets to the point in the match where everyone is starting to hit their finishers on each other, Randy hits an RKO on Drew and goes for the cover then out of nowhere Logan slides back into the ring and throws Randy out and covers Drew.

1 - 2 - 3!

Ring announcer: "The winner of this match, and the number 1 contender for the WWE championship at Money in the Bank. The American Outlaw!!! Logan King!!!

Before his music can even start playing Romans music starts playing and he makes his way down to the ring, a look of pure anger on his face. Logan is doing everything he can to stand in the ring but the only way he can is to lean against the ropes. He used all the energy he had left to cover Drew and become number 1 contender so he had nothing left for this match. The ref grabs the universal championship and holds it up in the middle of the ring and rings the bell.

Roman sprints at Logan and hits him with a spear instantly and goes for the cover but before the ref can start counting, a theme plays throughout the arena

Alexa comes out to the ramp and waves down at Roman as he stands up and looks at her in confusion, and this look intensifies when another theme starts playing

Liv comes out to the ramp and joins Alexa, also waving at Roman who is beyond confused and they take each other's hand and slowly walk down to the ring, distracting both him and the ref and Logan stands up and preps for his shot and hits Roman with a low blow as he slowly falls to the mat. Logan picks him up and hits him with the Working man's slam and goes for the cover

1 - 2 - 3!!!

Ring announcer: "Here is your winner and still the universal champion. Logan King!!!"

Logan sits up in disbelief that he was able to pull it off as Alexa and Liv both get in the ring and they roll Roman out as they walk close to Logan and help him get to his feet. They hold up both of his hands in victory as he clutches the universal championship. He is leaning on the both of them to stay up as the crowd goes insane at what just happened even the commentary team doesn't know what's going on

Michael Cole: "Did Logan just cheat to win the universal championship?"

Corey Graves: "He saw an opportunity and took it Cole. I mean he just went through a hell of a match for the number one contender for the WWE championship then they expect him to defend his title immediately after that? Come on now"

Michael Cole: "Well he is the one who called out both champions that sounds like a Logan problem"

Corey Graves: "Oh shut up Cole. You are asking the wrong questions here. The real question is what is up with Liv and Alexa helping him?"

They finally make it to the top of the ramp and he holds his title in the air as both girls look up at him with smirks on their face as they make their way backstage but before the show goes off the air, Kayla Braxton comes running into frame with a microphone in hand, Logan still being helped by Liv and Alexa as she begins to speak

Kayla Braxton: "Logan, quick question before we go off air. What was that that just happened out there?"

Logan: *breathing heavily* "What happened? What do you think happened? I got screwed into having 2 hellacious matches back to back so i saw an opening and i took it"

Kayla Braxton: "Liv, Alexa, why go out of your way to help him?"

Alexa: "I mean who wouldn't right? I mean look at him. He's a gentleman...

Liv: "He's hot..."

Alexa: "He helped us both out backstage..."

Liv: "He's hot..."

Alexa: "We saw someone who needed help so we decided to come out"

Liv: "Besides, he's..."

Alexa: "Alright Liv we get it"

Logan gives a little chuckle at their banter before he speaks up again

Logan: "And you never know, these Misfits might become something great together. Now if you will excuse me, i have a date with an ice bath and a bottle of whisky. Ladies?" He says as they slowly start moving again as they head out of frame and the camera cuts and the show ends

They get off camera and celebrate a little as they planted the seeds perfectly. They hug each other as they start walking to the locker room, Logan exhausted but able to make it on his own. They close the door and they can really celebrate

Liv: "Holy shit that was incredible!"

Alexa: "I'm so excited for what's to come with this"

Logan: "We are going to take the WWE by storm"

Liv: *Looking at her phone* "Looks like Misfits is already trending" she says showing them

Suddenly there's a knock on the door and Hunter walks in

Triple H: "Oh good, you 3 are here. That could not have gone any better. Excellent job you 3" they thank him as he continues "It went so well that Vince and creative have decided to give Alexa and Liv a shot at the tag team titles at Money in the Bank and you will be going over"

Liv and Alexa: "Are you serious?"

Triple H: "As a heart attack. You 3 are going to be huge for us. Now get some rest tonight, all you have is a promo exchange with AJ tomorrow but we are doing that via satellite so go home, get rested up and be sure to take my call tomorrow during the show. And make sure these 2 are with you"

Logan: "Can do, thanks Hunter" he holds out his hand and shakes his as Triple H nods at the girls and leaves the locker room. "Looks like you 2 are staying over again"

He says this with a devilish smirk on his face and both girls playfully hit his arms as they all agree to meet at the rental car and they leave to go to the woman's locker room to get their stuff and Logan gets all his stuff and showers quickly and before he leaves the locker room he sends out a tweet that will send the WWE universe into a frenzy

@AmericanOutlawWWE: #MisfitTakeover @AlexaBliss_WWE @YaOnlyLivvOnce @WWEUniverse


*Discontinued* Unusual Partners (Alexa Bliss x Liv Morgan x OC)Where stories live. Discover now