Chapter 2

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-Comte's POV-

After walking the little girl home, the young reincarnation of my soulmate, I left to go back to my home in the past. My heart was overflowing with joy, so I planned to tell the others that I had found her. Though she was only a child at the time, she was still the same woman I loved, the same beautiful angel I was destined to be with. I thought about her making the flower crown for me and I smiled to myself, thankful for the precious gift given to me. She seemed so happy up until those boys started bullying her. When that happened I could no longer just stand by and watch her at a distance. I knew I had to stop the cruelty being inflicted upon her. She was quickly smiling again, though, after I welcomed the shedding of her tears upon the fabric of the jacket I wore. She so easily accepted the comfort I offered to give her. Showed no signs of fearing me in her eyes, none whatsoever. I knew at that moment that our bond was still strong. The soul of my love was there when I looked into the child's beautiful violet eyes.

I finally reached the secret door that would lead me to the nineteenth century. Holding my hand on the doorknob, I stopped for a brief moment and wondered how old she would be when I would see her next. I turned the knob and stepped through Time's hidden gateway into the hall that would lead to the grand doors of Time. At the far end, I came to the doors and walked inside and shut the doors behind me, knowing it would be another month here in the past before the doors could open again to the future. I walked down the corridors of my mansion until I arrived at the lounge where I saw Leonardo, Sebastian, and Jean speaking with one another. I sat down with a smile and said to Jean and Leonardo, "I found her." Jean looked up at me and smiled. "Really? Hang on, I will go get the others. They should hear this too!" he exclaimed as he stood up to leave. Leo turned to Sebastian, who was our butler, and asked, "Sebastian, would you be so kind as to bring us all some tea and cakes?" "Of course, right away, Monsieur Leonardo."

Jean left the room quickly, and a short time later, he returned with the remainder of residents in the mansion, Mozart, Theodorus, Vincent, Dazai, Arthur, Isaac, and Napoleon. They all sat down, waiting for me to begin, so I spoke to all of them, saying, "I found her." "Really? How old is she at this time?" Napoleon asked. "She is about six years old right now. I found her just before she was being bullied by a pair of young boys." Jean and Napoleon both looked the most displeased, and Jean spoke up, "I hope you made sure they never messed with her again." Everyone nodded in agreement. Napoleon grabbed the hilt of his knife he carried on his belt and squeezed as he waited for my reply. I smiled knowing how protective both he and Jean were of her. "Yes, I made sure they left her alone." I answered, and Arthur chuckled, looking at the three of us. "Always her knights in shining armor," he commented and I smiled at his words. "Pardon me, but who is this girl you are talking about?" Sebastian asked as he laid out a tray on the table with small plates and cups for everyone. "Comte's mate. She reincarnates and he finds her. He has been married to her four times already and this would be her fifth life." Jean answered. I noticed that everyone had a smile on their faces as they thought about her in her previous incarnations.

"Remember when Chloe was practicing archery and she was tempted to shoot William in the ass with an arrow when she saw him?" Jean says with a grin. Everyone started laughing at that memory he shared. "I honestly think she should have!" Napoleon spoke out in amusement. "I remember how good Marie was at learning piano. She learned what I taught so fast, such a wonderful pupil.... I still miss playing the piano with her." Mozart said with a small smile, looking a bit sad at the same time. "You know someone is good if it impresses Mozart." Vincent replied with a grin. Sebastian finished brewing the tea and coffee and poured into each of our cups what we selected to drink, along with setting a plate of biscuits on the table for us to eat. We continued to sit and talk about each of my wife's past lives. I knew Sebastian was listening and curious because he had never heard the stories before now. It was good that we could all come together and reminisce of the old days, good and bad.

"Camille was so sweet," Leonardo spoke up, saying with a gentle voice. Jean and I fell silent, looking sad, and then Sebastian asked, "Camille?" "She was the first of Comte's wife. I remember the first time she cooked for me. Her food was amazing!" Leonardo finished and sighed as he took a sip of his tea. I smiled a little remembering my sweet Camille. Losing her the way I did was very painful, but we had many good memories together as well. "There was the time when Isabella helped me after I was in that really bad fight that one night I came home severely wounded. She stayed by my side, tending to my wounds until I was recovered." Napoleon remembered out loud with a smile. "Isabella was an amazing nurse indeed. She always had the right herbs and medicines ready when they were needed." I said in reply, smiling remembering how my caring Bella always wanted to help others in need.

We sat there talking for several hours, reminiscing about my mate's previous lives and laughing at the hilarious moments we had shared with each one of them. Theo spoke up and relayed his favorite moment of how Chloe turned down Arthur's poor attempts at gaining her affections. He and some of the others were there to witness it and laughed again at Arthur's expense. "Chloe was a feisty one for sure!" I said proudly. "Do you know her name in this current incarnation?" Vincent asked while glancing at me after a brief moment of silence had fallen upon the room. "No, I do not yet know her name. We did not really talk that much, but I will find out her name eventually." I replied with assurance. We all talked for a little while longer and then each of us left the lounge to go our separate ways. I headed down the hall to the staircase and up to the second floor of the mansion toward my room.

Once I arrived, I entered and shut the door, pulling out the flower crown she made for me that was hidden in the deep pocket of my jacket. I happily sighed and wrapped it carefully in a cloth. Holding it gently in one hand, I stepped over to my bookshelf and I grabbed a book large enough to hold the precious treasure within its pages. I opened it to the front inside cover and carefully placed the cloth inside and closed it, wanting to preserve the crown for as long as I could. Placing the book my dear Camille enjoyed reading back on the shelf, I got myself ready for the night and then laid down in bed, thinking about the day I had and how adorable her smile was. I missed her already, but I knew she needed time to grow up before I could approach her and talk to her properly. My thoughts lingered upon her and her previous incarnations until I drifted off to sleep in peaceful slumber.

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