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I had gotten a call at midnight, which wasn't pleasant but it was the usual with the job path i had chosen.

calls came in at all hours whether it be from in coming cases or just the lack of people in the burea to file the paperwork for those cases.

instead of the joyful number of penelope popping up on my phone with her smiling picture on the contact,

this time it was spencer calling. his contact picture instead was his face planted in whipped cream from his previous birthday party.

the white substance covering over his eyes and stuffing his nostrils as he tried to laugh it off and use the trusty napkin tucked into the collar of his shirt.

with a gentle sigh i answered it while rubbing over my eyes trying to relieve myself of some of the grogginess while looking over at the clock,

"spence what's up its two in the damn morning" i huffed into the phone, and flicked on the lamp resting on my night stand.

he had no response except for his heavy breathing before i called his name out again this time louder to try and get a sort of answer from him.

now i could hear that his words were slurring all over the place and i could barely understand any of what he was trying to convey to me,

and the shitty cell service in my apartment hadn't made it any better.

"I am on 21st street! she stood me up y/n, she stood me up again!"

he retorted in a bitter tone over the line while i could hear him swallow somethingly down harshly, praying it was water but inferring it wasn't i slipped myself out of bed.

"okay i'll come get you just stay there, you at the bar on 21st street spence you know the one of our team goes to after paperwork days?"

he slurred a sloppy yes before he hung up the phone to which i tossed it on the bed.

i slipped on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie grabbing my car keys from the hook by the front door. walking out of my apartment i made sure to lock the door and pull it tight praying that when i came back my stuff hadn't been stolen.

I quickly scurried down the stairs. I unlocked my car getting into it,

He said he was at some bar the team would go to on our nights out, the one on 21st that was closest to the office so it made it way less of a hassle for everyone.

every Thursday or every paperwork day they would gather here, so it was just a miracle he decided to get stranded at his bar.

I parked on the side of the street. He was outside he chugged a bottle of some liquid,

a paper bag wrapped around it because even drunk he was smart enough not to get in trouble with some of the other federal agents who lurked about in this bar.

"Spencer" I said softly as my lungs let out a full breath. His brown eyes looked up at me with almost a pity look inside of them.

He was super drunk to even stand when i stood him up he wobbled over, nearly taking me and his pipe cleaner body down with him.

Finally getting him into the car.

i heard him mumble "im sorry" he started to fiddle with the seat belt to try to slip it over his chest, with failed attempts of his shaky hands and clearly not sober enough to put on his own seat belt I finally helped him.

𝐀𝐀𝐑𝐎𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐂𝐇𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒𝐇𝐎𝐓𝐒 Where stories live. Discover now