The Accidental Murderer

18 10 4

Authors note : I would first like to say thanks for all the support. I really appreciate it. Ily all ❤️❤️

Red and blue lights flashed all around, piercing sirens going off at 1000 decibels. I was zoning in and out. My head was banging like someone was constantly smashing it against the wall. Then I turned my head 
             My brand new Mercedes  was upside down. The glass smashed, the seats ripped, the metal dented. I don't remember anything.
          "it's going to be okay" said an unfamiliar yet reassuring voice. 2 men with green uniforms towered over me.  "get her into the ambulance they said, she's an urgent case"
         Then I couldn't see anything. I couldn't hear nothing, I couldn't move my arms or legs. I had no idea what was going on.
         When I woke up I realised I was in a tall, white room surrounded by people in uniform. People rushed around me, there was about 3 iv drips hooked up to me.
           I tried to move my fingers, I slowly opened my eyes. "she's awake, oh she's awake, thank God" said a feminine voice. It was my mom. A big sigh of relief came over me. "mu mu mom" I said in a slightly confused tone. "yes my baby girl ohhhh Thank the Lord" she replied.
       Before we could celebrate for too long another tall, male doctor came in "ma'am now that you are consious I have to tell you what's going on. You were in a car crash and were in and out a state of conscience. We need to rush you into surgery urgently"
        It was all a blur. I don't remember anything. My life was like a jigsaw puzzle with missing peices. I couldn't see the full picture of my life, I could not see the full details.
            Ugh. I felt so tired and grudgy. My skin felt so cold. My hand was the colour of paper. The wound on my leg was as black as a witches heart. My hair hung down my head like ropes. I felt so dead.  
       I dragged myself over to the mirror. Ahhhhhhhhh, I screamed in the most piercing tone. What I saw next was the most horrific sight anyone has ever seen. I didn't look human nor animal nor ghost.
        Instead something completely different. My skin was so pale it was almost as clear as glass. You could see my black veins running through my hand. All the colour was sucked out of my face. I was a monster, I AM a monster.
         Suddenly my arm started twitching. My legs ran (out of my control) to the kitchen. My hands grabbed the sharpest knife. My toungue licked it. My body slowly started walking out of the door.
        Outside was pitch black. The streets were empty. Lighting struck.
        4 of my victims were sent to their graves last night. It was an electrifying feeling. Suddenly I wasn't the sweet, kind uni student anymore, but I like it better this way.
     I got that feeling again. The cursed urge. I picked up my axe and went............


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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