his freckles

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we walk down the hallway at an uncomfortable distance from each other . staying almost silent, Sal feels farther than ever from me. we walk over to my apartment door and open it. we walk in as my mom is passed out on the floor, the stench of alcohol and sweat fills the room. "ew i don't wanna be here-" i scoff as she wakes up. "oh so you can come home?? you remembered you live here?" her tone changes through her slurred words.

"oh im just kidding baby. come here mommy misses you. do you still have that 10$ you took from me?" i pull back. "i- i never took anything from you." "you lying WHORE get the fuck over here!! get the hell over here or I..." she stops talking , struggling to keep her eyes open and her words straight. "dyou want me to beat the shit out of you like i did last time? put on a little show for you friend?" she nods towards Sal. i pull Sal away and slam the door, leaving my apartment. he stops outside the door and hugs me as tightly as he can. he quickly pulls his mask down and kisses me firmly . "I take it back- that didn't feel wrong at all." he spews out before kissing me again.

we walk back to his place with his arm around my shoulder, playing with my hair in his hand. we walk into his apartment. "hey Henry." "heya y/n, you staying the night?" i smile. "that's so kind.. I'm could I?" "of course!" Henry gives me a warm grin as Sal and i walk to his room. "im sorry y/n, im not mad at you and i believe you. Larry.. he stopped taking his bpd meds last week. he also stopped taking his- well. just other medications. with his mom sick they don't really have the money to pay for both of their meds."

i frown . "that's horrible. i hope you guys won't hate each other now- I hope he doenst hate me. ugh this makes things so weird." Sal puts his hand on my shoulder. "don't worry. give it a week and things will be fine- if you choose to forgive him that is. you don't have to yunno." "things are just weird right now." Sal nods his head and turns on music for us.

    "y/n, am I good enough for you?" he lays back on his bed and i lay beside him. he holds my hand. "you're too good for me Sal, i don't deserve you." he smiles slightly. "please be honest... how are you comfortable being with me when i look like-.. when i look like this?" i sigh. "i wish you could see me from your perspective. everything about you is handsome." he frowns. "that's just not true y/n. you know it isn't - there isn't one handsome thing about me!" I can hear the frustration in his voice as i run the back of his hand with my thumb to calm him.

    "see that's where i disagree . i love your eyes, the way they're true blue and i can read you like a book by just looking at them. i love your scars. they're smooth and soft, and each time i see them im reminded how strong of a person you truly are. i love your nose and the way it's so defined and strong, your jawline -... i could go on forever. but out of it all- your freckles they're-" "my freckles ???" Sal cuts me off with a calm warm voice. "but my scars nearly cover my freckles and they're so light how.. how did you even notice them?" "that's the beautiful thing about them. they're arranged perfectly across your face- and you're right you scars do almost completely cover them. that's the beauty of them- they're hard to spot unless you look for them. I like the ones right under your left eye- they're bunched up and scattered over your cheek." Sal turns to face me and i can see tears in his eyes.

  "Y/n i never knew you looked at me that way." "of course i do. when you fall in love with someone you fall in love with every part of them-" i stop abruptly realizing that i just admitted to being in love with Sal. his eyes widen with joy. "you're in love with me?" my face burns red.

  he slowly unbuckles his mask and lays on his bedside table. "are you.. are you genuinely in love with me?" i can feel my cheeks burning. "ive been in love with you ever since i met you Sal. truly." i run my thumb over the freckles under his eye and his cheeks turn red too. "y/n, i fell in love with you the second i laid eyes in you. the second i heard your voice- and you offered me that hairtie!!" Sal shows my his wrist as i look at it confused.

  "see that hairtie? it's the one you gave me. ive worn it everyday since." i grin , pretending not to notice the scars on his arm , i assume from self harm. it's comforting feeling less alone, but deep down it hurts knowing that he'd ever do that to himself. i try to brush it out of my mind.

   "ive never been in love before - i honesty wasn't sure i believed in it y/n. i was afraid i wouldn't be able to tell- wouldn't know when i was truly in love. but i knew the moment i met you. " he kisses me. he puts both hands on my face and kisses me. he pushed me down on my back and is on top of me now, not breaking away from my lips as he does so. he's over me and slowly moves his hands to my waist. once he realizes what he's doing, he stops. he pulls away gently and rolls onto his side, so that we're side by side again.

"you're beautiful, y/n" "so are you, sally."

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