By the time the patrol had ended, it had all passed as a foggy blur. Bad quickly directed Dream to where his sleeping quarters were, making sure he knew where to go. He had entered the room to see his two best friends fast asleep.

Sapnap looked like he was gonna roll over and fall off the bed face-first into the floor while being wrapped in his blanket like a burrito. He snored loudly despite this.

George was drooling. His arms hung off the side of his bed and the blanket pooled at the bottom of the bed. Dream sighed, smiling at the sight of his friends.

He drowsily walked over to his bed, dragging his feet. The day had been strange, to say the least, and he knew it was only gonna get weirder. He dropped his mask on the oak bedside table, slipping off his boots and all his gear, dropping it haphazardly along the floor near the bed.

Flopping on the bed face first. Relief pooled through Dream's body as his muscles relaxed and all distress seemed to ebb away. Dream had blacked out the moment his face hit the soft covers.

-With Y/N-

First P.O.V

After Technoblade, Wilbur, Dream, and Bad had left the room, the rest of us were led by workers within the castle, taking us in groups of four.

I stared at the hybrid in front of me that seemed to have a passive demeanour. The pretty lady had long hair spit in the middle. Half of it was a dark chocolate brown, and the other was silver-white. Fluffy brown ears flapped and twitched. It wasn't hard to notice she was part sheep.

"I'm Captain Puffy! Nice to meet you!" She spoke. Puffy had spun around on her heel to face me. I greeted her with a nod.

"You aren't much of a talker, are ya?" She chuckled. I shrugged. The walk went on as Puffy chatted away, going on about her life, what she is, her past life of when she was a pirate. A lifetime full of adventures spilt from her words. Her stories were fascinating, lively, and amusing. Some were heartfelt, others, not so much. A lot of her travel tales were hilarious, almost like she'd lived a comedy.

The moment didn't last long as she showed me my room. I nodded, thanking her as she smiled once more and walked away. The sky was dark, and the clouds seemed to have taken a vacation. The air felt vacant, empty. I walked over to a platform at the far end of the hall. Decidedly not entering my room yet. The balcony was high up above the people, their homes, and their families.

I sat on the platform railing, my legs hanging dangerously far off the edge. My eyes fluttered closed. A cold breeze swept my hair. I took my hands off the cold hard metal railing and placed them on my mask.

I traced mindless shapes on my mask, swinging my legs. I let my body rock back and forth with the light breeze that whispered in my ears. By the feeling of arms wrapped around my waist tightly, I left my absentminded haze to look over my shoulder to see Technoblade with wide, panicked eyes.

I tilt my head backwards, not understanding the worry. It took me a moment before I finally realised it looked like I was about to jump off. Chuckling, I place my hands over his that still firmly wrapped around me.

"I'm not jumping, nerd." I smiled cheekily. Leaning backwards, I felt my head in his chest, right below the collarbone.

"So it is you." He mumbled in my ear. I felt his shoulders slacken a bit from relief. His posture was no longer stiff, but instead, he had pulled me closer into an embrace. He groaned tiredly, bending over to rest his head upon mine.

It felt like the night under the willow tree all over again. A strange sense of comfort washing over us like relief.

"Why did you leave us?" Sadness tinged his voice. One could only suppress their emotions so well before letting them slip out. I shook my head, indicating I didn't think it was time to argue about it. He was tired. Sleep-deprived.

My Knight in a Green Hoodie (Dream x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now