chapter 2

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Mm chapter 2

At the park Later that day

Izuku running up " Kacchan, Kacchan, I got my quirk."

Bokugo " so what is it Izu?"

Izuku "It's a IQ and analyst enhancing quirk, it means I'll think better and faster than others."

Bokugo "well not flashy, but you might make it as my sidekick."

Izuku " maybe if you train hard you can be my sidekick, only if you're nicer." Izuku ran back to his mom and asked to go home.

The next few days were busy for the midoriya's. There were classes in the library(he's a bit young but if he doesn't disturb the others it will be fine). 

The tai chi in the park. 

Sensei "He moves well for one so young, I would also like to teach him judo. It's on Wednesday evening at my dojo, I hate to say but because his has a mental quirk he will face bullying."

Inko "Do you think so?"

Sensei "Sadly, I know so."

After second tai chi lesson

Izuku "Mom can I go play at the playground for a bit?"

Inko "Okay for a bit."

Izuku walks over to where the slides are and sees Kacchan and one of his followers bullying another kid

Izuku "Kacchan, stop this or… I'll stop you myself." Stepping between them

Bokugo "what's a useless decu like you, going to do."

Izuku "I'll fight you if I must, because you are acting like a villain, Bokugo."

Bokugo "and what will you and you do nothing quirk going to do against my explosions."

Izuku "Well villain, using your quirk to harm anyone is illegal and I'll go to the police."

Bokugo started explosions in his palm and ran at Izuku.

Just before he reached Izuku.

Officer "freeze, young man." Stepping out of the trees on the side.

Officer " let's sort this out, you young man on the ground let's hear your story."

Kid " I was on the slide and this blonde guy came up to me and said what's your quirk? I told him I can shoot light out of my eyes, he said that's weak get off my slide and pushed me and burnt me then the green haired kid…" see story above.

Officer "your name?"

Kid "Scott Summers."

Officer "okay green haired kid."

Izuku "Midoriya, Izuku" ...story same as above.

Officer "let's go find your parents."

Bokugo "but you didn't even ask me anything."

Officer "I have, truth sense, I figure we will get you in front of your mother before you start lying."

For the most part they put a big scare in to Bakugo, handcuffed ride to station finger printed put in to cell and left next to a huge scary man who was just a hero out of uniform.

How did I find out? Detective Tsukauchi became friends with mom and I.

I even got to meet his wife…

But that's in the future.

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