"What is it?" I looked up to see Evan standing in my door.

"Aren't you coming?"

"Yes, but I have to do something before we leave." I tried to organize a few things to make it a little easier in the morning. She just stood there watching me with that grin. "What?"

"I'm just excited to see how you'll do with everyone else around." I could see that look in her eye. "You gonna dance?"

"I don't dance," I reminded her, having had this discussion once before when she asked me to dance in the middle of my parking garage, one night.

"Sure, you do," she leaned against the door jam and applied a layer of lip balm. "Anyone can dance with enough alcohol."

"I don't really drink either."

"Not from what I've known." She pushed herself of the jam and walked the room to me. I knew she was referring to the few nights that the two of us went out for drinks after work, just me and her. I would sit there and maybe get two drinks down while she pounded whiskey after whiskey without batting an eye.

"That was a little different," I tried to defend myself. "That was just the two of us. Just you and me...trying to keep your hands out of my lap."

"So, you're saying that if we dance together, you won't try to cop a feel?" She grinned up at me and hooked one finger on my belt.

"Evan, please," I looked out the blinds at the bull pen of other profilers that were too busy with work to notice that Evan was trying to grope me in my office. "You're gonna have to behave yourself, tonight. We're gonna be out with the team..."

"Agent Hotchner," she mocked and walked back to the door, "when have I ever misbehaved?" She winked in my direction and skipped back down the stairs for the elevators. I rolled my eyes and checked my watch, already regretting the next few hours.

It only took me a good ten minutes to remember why I never went out. We had showed up in our own cars but all met at the front door together, Evan making quick work of chatting up the bouncer. She laughed as he waved us all in, eyeing me and Reid in that way that we were both used to. Between Morgan, Garcia, JJ and now Evan, Reid and I stuck out like sore thumbs. We were always dressed in our suits and nice shoes, compared to the casual jeans that the rest of the team would usually wear. As soon as we got inside, I took off my jacket and put it across my arm, already feeling uncomfortable. We followed a young girl to a corner of the room and before we could even sit down, Morgan slapped a hand on the table,

"First round is on me!"

"Derek, you know I don't do shots." Reid shuffled his way around to a chair and hung his jacket on the back. "I'll just take a soda."

"You're kidding me right now," Morgan laughed, "not acceptable. At least one."

"I'll do a shot if Hotch does one." Reid looked at me with at proud smile and the table went silent. I could already see Evan grinning in the dim light of the room, practically daring me.

Now, it was five against one. "Fine."

The table hollered and JJ gestured to Garcia and Evan to follow her to the bathrooms. "We'll be back! Don't start without us!" they called over their shoulders and disappeared into the growing crowd of people.

"You guys are going to get me in trouble," I mumbled to myself and hung my jacket on my chair, rolling up my shirt sleeves. I just felt so out of place. This was the kind of place that I could see Morgan going to, or even Garcia on a good day. If Emily were here, her and JJ would be dragging Reid to the floor to dance while I was at home, being none the wiser. And of course, Evan blended right in.

Plausible Deniability  **EDITED**Where stories live. Discover now