Chapter Sixteen: Repercussions

Start from the beginning

Fred watched, expecting Emalia to take the seat beside Kenneth. For the first time Emalia made eye contact with him, and it was then he could see the anger in her eyes.

'He made me look like a fool in front of everyone on my first day' she raged in her head 'I will make him pay.' 

Emalia went and sat beside Adrian. They talked politely for a minute before class began. Fred spent the class trying to figure out the best way to apologise to Emalia. While Emalia tried to figure out the best way to get her revenge.

McGonagall was talking about the importance of wand movement and concentration when it came to Transfiguration. In front of them on the desk were dead beetles. By the end of the class Emalia and several others had managed to successfully transfigure their beetles into buttons.

Adrian and Emalia were chatting after class when Fred approached them. 

'Er, Emalia?' asked Fred 'Could I take to you for a second?' 

Emalia looked at him and shook her head 'No.' 

She turned to walk off, Adrian looked at Fred and shrugged awkwardly. Fred sat back against the wall and held his face in his hands. George walked up to him a pat his shoulder trying to comfort him.

'She hates me' he lamented, his voice muffled by his hands. 

George pulled him up 'Give her some time to cool down Fred, and then apologise'.

Fred looked miserable. 'Come on' said George a giant grin appearing on his face 'Lee and I know exactly how to cheer you up'. 

Fred followed his brother to Filch's office. Fred's face lit up with glee. 'The teacup?' he asked. George nodded his grin growing bigger. 'Lee is in there now planting the present' he whispered.

A few seconds later, Lee opened the door and walked out. 'Come on' said Lee 'We've got Defence Against the Dark Arts next and Filch will be back soon' 

Fred laughed 'Perfect! We will hear the end result' 

The three of them walked down to their classroom to Defence Against the Dark Arts with the Hufflepuffs. Emalia was sitting beside Angelina, with Alicia sitting in front of them, the three of them were talking and laughing.

Lee slid in beside Alicia and started talking to the three girls. Fred and George sat in behind Angelina and Emalia. Angelina turned around to say hello, but Emalia kept facing forward. Fred's mood deteriorated once again, and he began to mope.

About halfway through the class there was a loud crash followed by loud shouting. The shouting grew closer and closer. It was Filch, he was roaring in the halls on his way to the headmaster's office. 


All the students started giggling. Angelina and Alicia turned to Fred and George. They nodded and pointed at Lee. It took some time for the shouts to dissipate as Filch made his way through the castle. 

Emalia turned to say something to Angelina, Fred could see the smile on her face and the laughter in her eyes. His heart soared. It made him happy to see her happy. 'Merlin what is this girl doing to me' he asked himself.

Defence Against the Dark Arts was the last class of the day, and the students dispersed to relax before dinner. Happily, most of the Professors had decided to not give homework on the first day but everyone knew they would not be so lucky tomorrow.

Emalia and Alicia were walking to the common room. They had just crawled through the portrait when Fred came up behind them. 

'Hey Emalia, I just want to apologise for' he started. 

Emalia spun around to face him 'Leave me alone Fred.' She said dismissively.

He grabbed her arm as she started to walk away from him 'Please.' He began 'I really am so terribly sorry..'

'I meant it, leave me alone before I hex off your eyebrows' she interrupted.

'Not until you let me apologise' he pleaded. 

Emalia looked up at him 'I do not want your apology.' She angrily pulling her arm out of his grasp. She turned to walk again when Fred grabbed her arm again to stop her.

In one swift movement Emalia pulled out her wand and there was a bright flash. One moment Fred's eyebrows were on his face, the next they were no where to be found. Emalia stared at him open mouthed not believing she had just done that. Alicia was staring too. Fred just stood there stunned, trying to process what just happened. George was sitting in an armchair roaring laughing. Fred no longer had any eyebrows.

Unfortunately, at the exact moment Emalia had hexed off Fred's eyebrows, Professor McGonagall had entered the Gryffindor common room. 

'MISS POTTER!' she shouted. Emalia spun around; her mouth still agape. George was still laughing, and Lee had joined in. 'My office now! You too Mr Weasley!' she said angrily.

Both Fred and Emalia walked to McGonagall's office, she followed close behind them. When they arrived, she sat down, both of them stood in front of her desk. 

'Sit' she said sternly. They sat, staring ahead apprehensive about what was about to happen. 'What happened in Potions class this morning?' she asked looking at Fred waiting for his answer.

Fred looked at Emalia and looked back to McGonagall. 'Professor, I know I have a reputation for flirting with the rules and pranks' McGonagall's lips pursed together, she was well aware of his reputation. 'But I promise, this was an accident. I don't know how I made the potion explode.' Fred responded. 

Emalia did not look at him, she was focused on the books that sat on the shelf behind McGonagall's head.

'I am inclined to believe you Mr. Weasley' said McGonagall 'But I am still giving you detention on Friday night for carelessness, you are very lucky that no one was seriously hurt. My classroom at eight pm.' Fred nodded.

'Miss Potter, I am sure I do not have to remind you that using magic on other students is strictly forbidden' said McGonagall sternly. Emalia tore her eyes from the bookshelf and looked at the Professor. 'Therefore, I will be taking twenty-five points from Gryffindor and you will be joining Mr Weasley at detention on Friday.'

Emalia nodded, she knew she was in the wrong, she could scarcely believe that she had actually hexed Fred. 'You can go now' said McGonagall as she dismissed them. As the two of them turned to leave, Professor McGonagall called out to them 'Oh Mr. Weasley come back and I will restore your eyebrows.' Fred turned back, Emalia continued walking back to the common room.

Fred caught up with her as she reached the Fat Lady's portrait. 'Hey Emalia wait' he called. Emalia stopped but she did not face him. 

'Please' he started 'Please just let me apologise. I promise I did not make that cauldron explode on purpose. I got distracted by you..' he trailed off. 'You unnerve me. I do not know how to act around you and it makes me feel inadequate and I have never felt that way before. So I got distracted and I obviously did something wrong.. and that is what happened.' He stood looking at her, she had her back to him.

Emalia turned around and looked up at him. He could see the pain and confusion in her blue eyes. 

'Gillyweed' she said. The Fat Lady's portrait sprung open and she climbed inside without saying a word. Fred followed her, his heart sinking in his chest. He went over to sit beside George who was describing to Angelina in detail what had happened a joyful look on his face. 

Fred watched Emalia climb the stairs to the girls dormitory and disappear from his view. He turned his attention to George and Angelina, but his thoughts remained firmly on Emalia.

Emalia got straight into bed when she reached the dormitory. When Alicia and the others arrived to go to bed, she pretended to be asleep. When everyone was silent, Emalia lay in bed staring at the darkness, confused about her feelings and confused about what to do.

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