Chapter1: 7th birthday and a new friend

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It has been 6years since Dumbledore proclaimed Nicholas the boy who lived, and when both boys were taken to St.Mungos for a check checkup. Albus saw how powerful Hadrian really was and blocks on his power, so he was barely even a wizard.

Meanwhile at the Burrow
Molly: Billy, Charlie, Percy, Freddie, Georgie, Ronnie, Ginevra come down now or else we will be late for Nicholas's birthday party.

They all came down wearing jeans and shirts.

Molly: GINEVRA!, What in Merlin's name are you wearing?!

Ron: Yeah! Only boys wear jeans.

Molly: Go upstairs and change young lady.

Ginny: B..but why can't I wear this?After she  says that (SMACK)

Molly: Do NOT talk back to me now go change before you make us even later for the party and you will behave if you want food. You know what? you're already getting fat I don't need to feed you more. Nicholas isn't going to want a fat wife.

Ginny runs up to her room while tears are streaming down her face as her brothers laugh at her except Fred and George. They always treat her like a normal person and they sneak her food all the time.

Ginny: It's because I'm a girl. That's why they treat me so terribly.

Meanwhile at the potter's 

Hadrian was in his room because his family kicked him out for his brother's birthday party. It was also his birthday but knowing his family the best gift they would ever give is the responsibility of cleaning the house after the party and being kicked by his elder brother and his father while his mother just called him an ungrateful brat. This was all dumbledore's fault, see what many people don't know about Hadrian is that he has an eidetic memory, so he knew that he was the real boy who lived but he wasn't even going to try because it would just earn him an even harder beating, so he kept his mouth shut. He also knew that dumbledore put a block on his magical core making barely a wizard and Hadrian couldn't wait to get to Gringotts tomorrow. Sighing he pulled out a book called Transfiguration: an advanced version of Book 3. He was halfway through the book when a girl with vibrant red hair not like the auburn of his mum's, a sprinkle of freckles on her face and arms, and the most beautiful pair of chocolate brown eyes that have blue specks if you squint hard enough.

???: Oh...sorry I was looking for the loo.

Hadrian: no feel free to use mine, please.

???: Thanks.

After she's done 

???: sorry but who are you?

Hadrian: Hadrian Potter and who are you milady.

???: Ginny Weasley.

Hadrian: oh.. ok I suppose you are here for Nicholas's party

Ginny: unfortunately... wait you said you are a Potter then you must be his twin brother I always hear him ranting about being a squib.

Hadrian: *sacarsticly*Wow Nicky tums tasks about me I would have never imagined.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2021 ⏰

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