Chapter 7 - The Deal

Start from the beginning

Setting her tea down on the table, Saeko shrugged. "It's not," she said bluntly, dancing out of his reach when Ryunosuke reeled back to swing at her again, "She said she wants you to stop stalking her and give back the panties you stole-"

His cheeks burned brighter, but not from embarrassment... this time it was from being accused of something so foul. "I didn't do that!" Ryunosuke yelled, now standing from the table to go tackle his sister, the two of them sprawling out in the hardwood hall. "Tell me what she really said, Saeko! Stop being a fuckin' nutjob!"

Saeko giggled and stashed his phone in the front pocket of her university sweatshirt, happily wrestling and biting at her brother. "I'll tell you what she said when you tell me why you really transferred into the college prep class, shitstain," she countered breathlessly.

Frustrated, Tanaka dove for his phone with one hand while holding her face down with his other hand and pinning Saeko's hands beneath one of his knees. "Shut up," he barked, only to be thrown off of her by a surprise twist of her legs.

With heaving breaths, Saeko scrambled to her feet and took off for her room while Ryunosuke tried to find his balance again. "You like her!" she screeched as she darted down the hall, phone brandished in the air over her head, "Just admit it, fuckstick, then I'll give the phone back!"

"I hate you so much!" Ryunosuke yelled back, taking off after her.

The Future Mrs. Kano Tanaka:

Here's the address for the party, Tanaka.

And sorry I didn't stick around to talk earlier...

I had a meeting to get to. Nothing important.

How are you doing on the English homework?


this is saeko! HI BABE!

i stole ryu-ryu's phone >3>

i miss your beautiful faceee

when are you coming over again, girl?

The Future Mrs. Kano Tanaka:

lol Hi Saeko <3

I guess I'll be over the next time Tanaka needs tutoring?



The Future Mrs. Kano Tanaka:

Probably soon lol

Boy slept through most of Speech yesterday


oh no lol

you're the best

see you soon, babe


After class the next day, Kano bolted to practice.

She only looked back once, lingering in the classroom doorway to make eye contact with Tanaka, childishly sticking out her tongue as she pulled down on her lower eyelid. And then she was gone in a fit of giggles.

Cheeks warming, Ryunosuke chuckled and shook his head, slowly gathering his things and shoving them into his backpack. With his newfound knowledge of his crush, Tanaka couldn't seem to keep up with their easy camaraderie anymore; every single thing out of his mouth took an extra beat to process... to make sure that it was perfect. Would she think it was funny enough? Would she laugh? Would it make her smile? Would she finally tell him more about herself, finally open up?

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