this entire part is sleepy and tirern

Start from the beginning

ya idk im tired gn

realizes its 6:07 pm

goodnight anyways

hi its been 5 hours wyd just woke up from my nap

now i have a lot of math homework bc i slept through my 9 pm alarm that i set so i would have enough time to finish my work before midnight but yknow

still tired

hay its 1:02 am i just finished my homework and had a caprisun 😕

ok feeling bored and lonely wby

ya i am not excited for school in a few hours 7 hours is not
enough time to myself rn 😕😕

also ya basically my teachers do Not like me

bc basically

computer science :
i didnt show up for class for the first like 5 weeks of school and then had No Idea what we were even doing in that class and then i got kinda good at it but do not turn my assignments in on time

science :
idk actually this is like my favorite class and on my report cards and stuff my teacher always leaves a comment saying im doing good in her class bc i always have a 100 in or something and then class starts and shes like i dont like u lol

math :
OK i am good at math. and my teacher is like Um she actually hates all of us ya we will be working on an assignment and will ask her a question or something bc SHES OUR TEACHER ?? and she will be like yes 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 ya idk

art :
ok art might be my best subject maybe my teacher likes me actually she says im good at it and validation 😫😫

pe :
i sit in bed and dont get up or do anything during his class and i send him angry emails like every week

history :
HELLO HE IS THE BEST TEACHER OK. he is like the only one that realizes we are virtual and not all of us are comfortable with talking in front of the class and gives us options to not share in front of the class so thanks best teacher

english :
Um ok Best Teacher she is kinda oblivious about things kids in our class shouldnt be doing though people will literally make ableist and racist jokes and she will be like hahaha dont say that haha but she has a really really strong southern accent and is pretty nice about late work So

ya that was me talking about my classes


i cant feel my hand bc im holding my phone in a weird way 😫


ok i am tired goodnight

actually wait i was rewatching btr right

i was saying something what was i saying Um

ya no im not going to sleep I am Not tired

maybe i am

hmm no

ya ill watch something or read a book or something

ya i posted this and then came back just now to delete half the chapter because i suddenly got really unsure if i wanted it in here


wait a minute who are the 20ish people reading this and not saying anything Um i did not see u there hi

ya bc i have posted this chapter two times and keep coming back to edit it and add more so i have just unpublished it so i can keep talking oops u love me

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