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peering into the door peephole, [name] is met with an emerald eyed boy with a nintendo switch  clutched in his hands. he runs a hand through his dark hair and knocks once more.

[name] takes a deep breath and open the door. "hi"

he glances at the girl briefly. "hey"

"come in" [name] says awkwardly, opening the door wider. 


"come with me" she tells him, walking towards the living room. she bounces on her toes with childlike joy, her eyes gleaming with excitement. 

miya nods and follows [name], pulling his purple and green cat hood over his head. "i'm only here for the cat" he says, his fluffy hair falling over his eyes.

"if you say so" [name] enters the living room, pointing towards the chair that mimi had officially claimed. "she's there"

miya gasps and runs towards the chair, immediately going to pet mimi on her head. [name] joins him, smiling at the sight of miya melting over her cat. mimi sniffs him and nestles into his hand with a comfortable sigh.

"wow, she must really like you" [name] states, quickly taking a photo of the scene before miya could notice.

"all cats like me" miya says. "oh, i have something for her"

"miya - you're not that bad after all. who would have thought that you were a softie?" 

"i am not a softie" miya protests as he digs in his bag for something. he pulls out a few cat snacks and opens them before looking back up at [name]. 

"yes you are"

"no i'm not" miya feeds the snacks to mimi, who purrs and gives his hand a little lick. at the smell of the food, nezuko, levi and airbubble scurry in and surround miya, meowing for snacks. "i brought extra for all of you" miya says with a laugh.



[name] sits back onto a couch, her amused attention on miya and her cats. she tried not to swoon over the sight, but it was impossible - it was too cute for her to handle. 

miya turns towards the girl, hopping up and joining her on the couch after all the cats were fed. the cats follow after him, joining the two on the couch. mimi curls up on miya's lap, nezuko on [name]'s, with levi and airbubble squashed between them. 

"let's watch something" [name] suggests. "anime?"

"of course" miya chirps. "haikyuu?"

"great minds think alike" [name] grins, opening netflix and turning on haikyuu "but if you don't ship akaashi x bokuto i will scream at you"'

"if you don't ship tsukishima and yamaguchi i will also scream at you"

[name] leans into a pillow, the corners of her lips turned up into a smile as she focused on the screen. she knew soon, their peace would be gone and miya would have to leave. but she'd enjoy this while she could. besides, they could meet again. after all, they were friends.

"oh. i gotta go" miya finally says after a while.

[name] hops up from the couch. "before you go, take this" she stuffs a lollipop in his hand. "i'm so generous to be giving you the best flavour"

miya smiles and puts the lollipop in his pocket. he pulls out a different one and chuckles lightly. "i brought you one too"

[name] accepts the lollipop and jumps forwards to wrap her arms around miya, tackling him into a hug that neither were used to. miya's body was tense under [name]'s, but he warmed up and hugged her back.

they separate, expressions of happiness on both of their faces. [name] unwraps miya's lollipop and pops it in her mouth, enjoying the tangy sweetness of the candy. "aren't you gonna eat yours?" she queries to the boy, clenching the lollipop between her lips.

"i'm gonna save it" he replies.

[name] reaches out to tuck a strand of escaped hair behind his ear. "how can you resist the temptation to eat it?"

miya blushes at her touch and pulls at his hoodie. "i don't know, honestly." he glances at the watch on his wrist. "i really have to go" he sighs as he makes his way to the door, [name] trailing behind him to send her friend off.

"call me later" [name] calls to his retreating figure. she sees miya nod as he turns the corner with her lollipop in hand. 

[name] closes the door with a content and almost bubbly feeling, gently biting down on the lollipop. she already missed his presence. it was no fun to watch haikyuu without a friend. she would be counting down the minutes until he would be back home, and she could talk to him again.

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