Spiritual mound (Also happy birthday Withster and ES!)

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Speed picked up the city crest and saw a chest that he opened and it had 200 geo, he picked it up and went to the next room that had skulls and torches. He made his way up to a building that from the bottom up it separates. He entered the building and saw a bench and a Omanyte. He sat on the bench first then talked to the Omanyte.

Omanyte- Oho! Who is that creeping out of the darkness? My, you're looking grim! A strange, empty face and a wicked looking weapon! Something important has drawn you down into Hallownest's corpse, but I won't ask what. Perhaps the reason you found me is because you need my help? Say no more, friend. I'm going to give you a gift, a nasty little spell of my own creation. It's just perfect for a little one like you! Ohoho!

The Omanyte twirls his tentacle and a thing similar to the SOUL meter pops up which Speed jumped into, absorbed it, passed out and he saw before waking up:


Unleash the spirit using the SOUL you have. Collect more soul by striking enemies.

Speed woke up, caged in the more inner parts of the mound. The Omanyte also woke up (who was outside the cage) and said:

Omanyte- Oho? You've woken at last! I apologize, perhaps I should have warned you about the power of that spell.

Speed- No fish Sherlock

Omanyte- Rude, Anyways I was watching over you as you slept, but seem to have slipped away myself! Ohohoho! Now we're awake, I was wondering whether you would do me a small favor. Not as repayment for my gift of course, simply because we're now friends.

Speed- Who said we were?

Omanyte- ...,  You see, a horrid  great beast has made it's way home in the heart of this temple. Such disrespect! I would be quite grateful if you were to venture deeper in and slay it for me. It's a hardy creature, but with your new power you're more than a match for it! Good luck with this small favor my friend! Ohohohohohoho!

Speed- fine.

And with that Speed went foward and killed a wandering husk and a barrier. He also killed a vengefly and a baldur who dropped 4 geo. He made his way up and killed a tiktik. When he reached the highest point he dropped and killed another baldur. He broke a barrier that was under him to be greeted by another baldur which he finished. He dropped down to see a spike ceiling and a fourth baldur. Then he saw a spike pit, floating platforms and a vengefly. He killed the vengefly and made his way up with the platforms. A baldur came rolling and Speed just jumped. He went down and killed a baldur and broke a barrier on the left. He saw a totem that he just smacked to get SOUL. He murdered a baldur and went north an a baldur hit him which he didn't expect and healed. He went up and killed three baldurs and broke two geo rocks and a lifeblood cacoon, killed the lifesees and gained two lifeblood masks. He broke a floor barrier and was greeted by a elder baldur who shot infection blobs. Speed tried to hit him but he blocked him. He went back and used a vengeful spirit. The Elder spewed two more infection blobs before shooting a baldur which gave him enough SOUL to shoot another vengeful spirit. That cycle continued until Speed finally killed him. He went to the left to grab a charm called soul catcher. On the back it said:

Used by omanytes to draw more SOUL from the world around then.

Increases the amount of SOUL gained when striking an enemy with the nail.

After reading that he broke the barrier below him and talked with the omanyte again.

Omanyte- Oho! So it's done then, you've slain the beast! The poor thing! It must have been terrified of you. It used to be quite docile, but the rancid air in these caverns filled it with some ancient rage. Still, you did what had to be done! You have my gratitude! Of course, we both know you wouldn't have made it through without that spell of mine... Ohoho!

The cage doors opened.

Omanyte- And look! The gate between us have opened. Ohoho! I'm sure You're eager to move on. Farewell, and have faith! Whatever you're seeking... it will find you! Ohohoho!

Speedmoved to the left and sat on the bench.

Jesus Christ 745 words that's absurd! Also happy birthday @Withster_05 and ES!

ES AU- Speed Hollow knightWhere stories live. Discover now