
Cornelius Fudge wadded up his copy of the Prophet and threw it at his aide, Percy Weasley, aka Weatherby, and snarled. "Where's that blasted Skeeter woman! She was supposed to stop Potter from getting any political clout!"

Percy Weasley ducked. "I...I'm sorry sir, but she hasn't reported for work for two days. The DMLE has a warrant for her arrest for invasion of privacy and she's wanted by the goblins for questioning. I would imagine she's laying low for the time being."

"Find her!" Fudge snapped, slamming his fist on his desk. "And contact Lucius. We need a plan for when Potter tries to claim his seats on the Wizengamot."

"Yes sir," Percy hurried out the door before hesitating briefly and called over his shoulder, "Don't forget you have a meeting with the muggle Prime Minister at one." Percy shut the door just as a spell slammed into it.


Hermione returned home with mixed feelings. She had told her parents about the fallout between her and Harry, and about her limited career choices in the Wizarding World. To say they were unhappy with the situation was a gross understatement.

"You mean to tell us, that all you are good for in that...that world is to bear children!?"" her father demanded. "We allowed you to go after we spoke with that professor. She told us that you would be a very promising witch, with a bright career ahead of you! You could've gone to the finest schools in Britain for what we're paying!"

Hermione hung her head. There really wasn't anything she could say to that. She'd probably snuffed up all her chances at getting a placement in a good uni, since she hadn't taken any muggle classes while attending Hogwarts.

That night as Hermione was settling into bed with a good book, her mother entered.

"Hermione, sweetie, we need to talk."

"What about Mum?" Hermione asked, setting her book aside while cringing inwardly. She'd been dreading this discussion.

"About your letters," her mother started as she sat at the foot of her daughter's bed. "Something's changed, hasn't it?"

"What do you mean, Mum?" Hermione asked nervously.

"Oh sweetie, your letters used to contain such tales about this boy – Harry," her mother explained. "And now, he's almost disappeared from them. In fact, your letters are all about your schoolwork with very little about your social life."

Hermione huffed. "What social life? Only Harry and Ron spoke to me. The girls in my dorm barely tolerate me."

Her mother sighed. "Hermione, sweetie, do you remember we had this talk when you were in primary school?"

"The one about if you want friends, you must first be a friend?" Hermione sniped.

"That's the one. I was so happy that you made friends at Hogwarts. I was a bit concerned that they were boys, but still...what happened?"

Hermione sighed. "Harry is upset that I didn't write to him over the summer. He's barely spoken to me all term. He's just shut me out."

"Did you promise to write to him?"

"Yes but...it wasn't safe. I couldn't..."

"So you broke a promise to your friend? Is this the same one whose friend died?"

"Yes, but...Professor Dumbledore told us not to! He said it was for Harry's own good!"

Her mother sighed. "Hermione, I know we taught you to respect adults, but we also taught you that adults are not always right. Respect is one thing, sweetie, blind trust is another."

Taking a deep breath, her mother paused before continuing. "Tell me, sweetie, if Harry'd promised to write to you after you lost a friend, would he keep that promise? No matter what someone else told him? Would he find a way to be there for you in your grief? You made a promise and went back on it. Now it's cost you a very important friendship."

Hermione hung her head in shame. How often had Harry broken the rules for her? She sniffled, "But mum...Professor..."

Her mother held up her hand. "Hermione. You said in your letters that Harry was supposedly safest at his relatives' house. However, you also said, in your letters, that you suspect Harry's living conditions with them weren't the greatest. In fact, a few of your letters hinted that he was abused by these same relatives. Am I correct?"

Hermione nodded sadly.

"You had a choice, whether to be there for a grieving friend or obey a professor who had no right to deny a student simple communication outside of school. You could've found a way to keep in touch with him."

"As far as the Headmaster keeping information from the boy when it directly impacts his life, well, I'm not saying that your professor was right in keeping him in the dark. I only know what you told us, but even we can read between the lines, sweetie."

Hermione sighed, looking at her hands. Harry had been trying to tell her all term that the headmaster wasn't always right, especially when it came to him. "You are right, Mum, but it doesn't matter. You and Dad are going to pull me out of Hogwarts, aren't you?"

"Your father and I are still deciding if we will allow you to return to Hogwarts after the holidays. I suggest that you take some time to think about what you want to happen."


Minerva was sitting at her desk going over the first term exams before heading over to her sister's home for the hols. She had this last bit of work to do.

A knock on the door and Poppy entered. "Minerva. I have Albus' test results. He wasn't happy about taking them. However...after I threatened to go to the Board he complied. As Deputy Headmistress, it is your right to have a copy. He wasn't happy that you and the Board would be receiving copies but still..." Poppy huffed. "I'll leave you to your reading. Sorry to spoil your holidays. I know you were looking forward to spending time away with your family."

Minerva sighed as she reached for the file.


Sirius and Remus walked into the manor house on Black Island after spending the day appreciating the many shapes and forms of the half-naked female bodies that littered the resort's beach. Harry had returned earlier as he had some mail from Lord Peter.

The two old marauders could hear Harry's laughter ringing out.

"What's up Harry?" Sirius called with a lop-sided grin.

Harry cackled at the two while pointing and placing a hand on Dobby's shoulder. The house elf was holding up a lidded glass jar with a very strange looking beetle in it.

"Dobby caughts the bad buggy!" the elf was dressed in his safari gear. "Harry Potter sir is letting Dobby keeps her as a pet!" he said, holding the jar higher for them to see his prize. The bug was trying frantically to escape by scratching at the jar's lid. "Dobby promises to take care of buggy, I'se feed her and love her, and calls her Buggy! Dobby will!"

Harry lost it totally, dropping to the floor in hysterical laughter as the two men looked at each other in confusion. Trying between gasps of breath, Harry pointed at the jar and managed to get out, "It...It's...Rita!"

Poison Penजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें