James nods at me and follows edmund. I look to caspian and Aris fighting and rush to them.

Elijah's POV
I was fighting sand soldiers next to lucy when a very tall hairy man. He gave me a death stare as he went to punch me but I grabbed his arm and punched him instead.

The man growls and grabs my fist. He looks at me and I giggle nervously before running away, the man chasing me.

Peter's POV
I was having a fight with willex when I realized I wasn't powerful enough to kill her myself.

Out the corner of my eye I saw y/n fighting a very bloody and beaten up steven. I keep swinging m sword and making hits trying to stop with willex the best I could.

Then I see a arrow come flying at past me. It nearly hit willex square in the head but she caught it. I took a closer look at the arrow and see it was Susan's.

Willex's eye twitched in anger as she made the arrow go black and she through right back behind me.

I turned around as a ear piercing scream comes from susan. She falls to the ground holding her stomach.

"SUSAN!" The four of us siblings yell. While I was distracted willex stabbed me right in the shoulder keeping the sword inside.

I scream too, out of anger, sadness, guilt and overall pain.

Willex smirked and stood beside me and gripped my hair making look forward to see my sister laying on the floor with an arrow in her stomach and my narnian solider's falling to the immortal forces of the sand soldiers.

"Look king Peter, you've already lost this battle, and it's going to be your last. To bad you can't finish it on a good note" Willex said in a baby voice. I swing my sword at her hopefully finding a weak point.

Elijah's POV
I kept running a long the Castle walls. I look behind me to see the man gaining up on me, I yelp and try to run faster.

 I look behind me to see the man gaining up on me, I yelp and try to run faster

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"Come on boy, just one more bite!" The man said. Elijah instantly knew it was the werewolf who attacked him.

Suddenly the sky goes dark as I hear a mighty roar. The man smirks as he starts transforming into his werewolf self, I yelp as he growls loudly.

That's when I feel something in me and I start transforming into something myself.

Third personWhat Elijah didn't know is that Aslan was at the front doors of the castle main room where the main fight was happening

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Third person
What Elijah didn't know is that Aslan was at the front doors of the castle main room where the main fight was happening.

And the other fact he didn't know was that not jus thin turned into a wolf.

In front of scared narnians was james guarding them From the sand soldiers snarling and growling as he circles the solider's.

Aslan was in the door easy walking down the middle of the room as he watched elijah on the right up high fighting the werewolf

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Aslan was in the door easy walking down the middle of the room as he watched elijah on the right up high fighting the werewolf.

On the right was james attacking the sand solider's with his claws, snarling as he bit into a sand soldiers neck making the sand fall into a pile that soon went went from the left over water from the tsunami.

At last infront of everything was y/n now werewolf fighting off steven.

At last infront of everything was y/n now werewolf fighting off steven

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Steven wasn't really experience in anything. All he knew was how to teleport and fight with a sword.

He was all beaten up and bloody and now that y/n was a wolf didn't help. With one fowl swoop of y/n's paw steven was out front he world, in other words


Willex felt the deaf of her husband. She screamed as she sent a sand spear at the wolf.

Y/n run to her left and jumped into he thrones missing the sand and pronced on willex.

Y/n clawed and attacked. She bit and she slapped. The life from willex was soon fading and so were the sand solider's.

"You've proven yourself worthy n/n, I wish you a great life" willex said before her head lat flat of the ground and slowly turned to the side with lifeless eyes staring straight at dean.

Suddenly all sand solider's faded away. The sand was soon whisked away by the wind.

The man fighting elijah took one more claw to Elijah's wolfy face before being stabbed in the gut by lucy, making him end a sandy death.

Elijah groan as he turned back into human. Lucy rushed to him and lifted him up by the shoulder and draped his arm over her shoulder earning a yelp from him.

Everyone meet up a now clean room that was left in touched front he fight aka the kitchen.

James and y/n (sorry I put Lilly there😅) we're back to normal. Everyone was sitting in their own little bubbles.

Lucy cleaning Elijah's wounds, the wolf man attacked him hard, striking elijah's stomach and face.

Lucy cleaning Elijah's wounds, the wolf man attacked him hard, striking elijah's stomach and face

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Y/n and caspian were cleaning eachnothers wounds. While peter ad Edmund were helping Susan, who was given lucy's healing cordial, her torso covered by bandages.

Aslan was laying on the ground watching everyone care and help the wounded.

This is the narnia he wanted.......
This is the y/n he wanted.

~I hope you enjoyed this little extra long chapter! I have school holidays so this book will be done in no time, then my many other books 😊~

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