Part 2

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A soft press of lips against his own wakes Hajime up from his restless sleep. The room that they've hidden in is lit only by the light of the moon that comes through the cracks in the boards that cover the window. In the dim light, he can just make out the silhouette of Tooru kneeling beside him. With a sigh, he pulls the other teen onto his lap and makes him straighten his legs.

"You're going to make your knee worse if you keep pushing it," He scolds, keeping his voice down so as not to wake any of the others. Tooru huffs and lets his back settle against Hajime's chest.

"I'm fine Mom," Tooru scoffs, crossing his arms. Hajime contemplates biting his ear in retaliation but he's sure that Tooru would cause a scene and wake the others up from their well-deserved sleep.

"It's not my turn to watch," Hajime reminds him instead, he'd taken the first shift and he would take the last as well but it's still well into the night.

"Well... see I was hoping that you'd maybe do me a favor," Tooru turns sideways so he can see Hajime's face and bats his eyelashes trying to look cute.

"I was sleeping Shittykawa, do you know how much sleep I've actually gotten since we got separated?" Even when he'd gotten a bit of time to rest it hadn't been easy. His dreams had been plagued by all the horrible things that could have been happening to the rest of their teammates. Tooru at least has the brains to look somewhat guilty, Hajime is sure that he hasn't really slept either.

"Can you take the rest of my watch? There's less than an hour left now and then you can go right back to sleep," His fingers twist in the fabric of Hajime's jacket nervously.

"What do you plan to do while I watch?" Hajime asks suspiciously

"Well, I thought that maybe... I could," He's trying to stall long enough to come up with a lie, but Hajime knows him too well. "Go for a walk or something."

"I'll wake Hanamaki early and we can go together," Hajime is not letting him out of his sight again.

"I'll be quick, okay? You won't even notice I'm gone," Tooru starts to get up so Hajime wraps his arms around his waist to keep him from escaping. Tooru might be better than him at most things but Hajime has always been physically stronger at least. He keeps his hold on Tooru as he stands up. He tries to wiggle free, but Hajime just lifts him over his shoulder easily. He nudges his foot into Hanamaki's ribs until he wakes up. Hanamaki rolls his eyes when he sees them standing there and pushes himself up into a sitting position.

"Really?" He asks, moving the Matsukawa's arm from where it's slung over him.

"Apparently Trashykawa really wants to go for a walk right now," Hajime jostles Tooru on his shoulder and ignores his grumbling.

"Yeah fine, go you pricks," Hanamaki waves them off and Hajime moves to the door, grabbing a pack and both their guns on the way out the door. Tooru seems to have resigned himself and just hangs limply as Hajime carries him down the stairway.

"Iwa-chan," he sighs. Hajime sets him down at the bottom of the stairs and holds a finger to Tooru's lips as he listens for signs of anything suspicious. He pulls it away again just in time to avoid getting bitten.

"I'm not going to argue with you about this King. Whatever you're planning, I'm going with you," He keeps a grip on Tooru's shirt to make sure he can't get away. "So tell me what it is."

"We can't both go. Someone needs to lead them if..." Tooru stops.

"You come first," Hajime whispers.

"I can't come first H- Knight, they're just kids."

"We're all just kids, I'm not losing you again Tooru. Tell me what you're doing or we're going back inside and I'll tie you up with Mad dog."

The Reckless & The Brave Book 2: A Crack In This Castle of Glass [Iwaoi]Where stories live. Discover now