❝ Don't overthink about other stuff too cause I might be an asshole, but I also have my pride. ❞ The complacent boy flipped his faintly yellow-coloured strands back in a hot manner before placing his pile of accessories onto the coffee table in the living room.

By that, he meant the 'nasty stuff which Mijin's unsecured of more than anything since most of the ladies practically valued themselves the most in this world.

Was Mijin fully relieved? Not really as she still had a sceptical eye dwelling across the fine man who took off his drenched jacket and placed it on the table before flopping himself onto the couch.

❝ The bed is all yours, I'm sleeping on the sofa. ❞ Jongseong didn't bring his eyemask so it was bothersome of him to sleep with the dim lights which were lowkey blinding.

The suspicious girl reluctantly approached the whitish mattress while distancing herself from Park Jongseong to feel 'safe'.

❝ Night, m'lady. ❞ Of course, it wouldn't be a typical playboy like Jay to not flirt with her up to the latest seconds before drowsing off for a bit.

But the cold girl didn't give a response back at all as she's still not fond of the fact that Jay might eye her when she's falling asleep, who knows? It felt weird to sleep under an irritating stranger's heavy gaze hovering over her every moment.

Mijin who fully buried herself under the covers like a softie, unintentionally locked her dusky orbs to communicate with Jongseong's gaze which was slowly alluring her into his charms.

Mijin's soft cheeks abruptly blushed when his appealing face was the only visible thing in her annoying sight, making Jongseong smirk himself in satisfaction of how that was more than enough of a present to gift her a rapid heart.

' STUPID OF YOU NA MIJIN TO STARE BACK AT HIM LIKE THAT. ' Cursing herself in mind, the girl reprimanded herself again to stop staring back like a fool who's mesmerised by his visuals.

Turning herself around, the shy bean caught herself off guard with his babyish behaviours. Who knows whether he might make fun of her later or not after what happened today? Biting her thumb out of confusion, the little missy kept herself awake for a few minutes onwards with two questions.

Why was Park Jongseong developing into a better person than she had imagined him?

And, why didn't her curse affect him at all?


Yawning tiredly, Mijin hopped herself into the black pitched car with a drowsy expression since sleep was what dominated her mind most of all in the early morning.

The fuel tank arrived earlier than they expected to as the two young adults were lucky enough to escape this place before the grown-ups at their homes yet a whole package of questions at them.

Lord, Mijin was too busy zoning out that she's even too reckless to foresee her unbiological elder brother's worried concerns at home.

Jongseong just chuckled while stealing quick glances at the deadly asleep female with her cute little snores.

Yesterday must have been pretty tiring and embarrassing for a sarcastic birdie like her as Jongseong could relate to the embarrassment.

❝ Pumpkin, we're here and you might wanna wipe your saliva. ❞ The boy unbuckled his seatbelt before deciding to mess with the dreamy girl who's lost in her wonderland.

Mijin embarrassingly panicked while getting her hands to flee over her cheeks which were as dry as Sahara desert rather than being soaked with her saliva.

❝ Haha, you really fell for it just like how you fell for my charms. ❞ The male satisfied wiped away his faked tears, earning a scoff out of disbelief from Mijin as she regretted taking his words seriously. ❝ Bruh, screw you Park Jongseong. ❞

Getting out of the suffocating car with Jay's annoying presence, Mijin found comfort first thing as soon as she got off from the passenger seat and greeted fresh air.

Eyeing their cosy home pleased Mijin as she wanted to smile so badly but terror got the best of her at the moment.

Everything was set to be chilly and pleasant until the furious tone popped out of the blue from her one and only calm brother?!


' SHIT, I'M DOOMED-' Mijin couldn't think up some random excuses to say that she had to spend a whole night outside with a filthy richass like Park Jongseong whom she believed that Jaemin would also despise.

❝ Jaemin op-❞ The elderly furrowed his brows in a complex expression after eyeing another figure who stepped out of the expensive-looking car with matching clothes as Mijin's.

❝ You, why the heck are you together with our Mijinie? ❞ Jaemin refused to accept what he was seeing. He's supposed to believe that a clever clock like Mijin spent a whole day disappearing yesterday and came back to have resulted as a couple in his eyes. Most of all, the scientist couldn't believe his goody-two-shoes sister.

❝ Don't tell me that this punk took advantage of you or I'll commit murder. ❞ The masculine young man was flaming with the insecurity of his little sister being ruined but Mijin wasn't really to his surprise.

❝ It's not like that Jaemin oppa, we just had to go on a date. ❞

A date? With this punk who's aligned to be on marriage together with DIF's daughter? The elderly poked his tongue to the side, feeling halfway disappointed in the two youngsters as the young man's sustain an intimidating shit before grabbing Jay by the collar.

❝ Are you fucking crazy?! Don't you feel as responsible as someone else's fiancé? Are you even a man?! ❞ Jaemin's words weren't weapons but Jongseong got attacked as he's impressed to be bold and shameless when he's gonna get engaged with a suitable princess from a make-up company.

❝ Do you even realise what you'd just done?! ❞

Raising his scary tone, the elder didn't backen the terrifying version of him as Mijin in her place also flinched since she's never seen her brother this angry as of now.

❝ Jaemin—❞ Mijin lowkey felt traumatised as the grown-up young man wouldn't even let her explain the misunderstood situation and that nothing happened between her ad Jay at all.

❝ She's the freaking stepsister of your soon to be fiancée you moron! ❞

« end of a chapter »

(A/n:Anna oop, not @ Jaemin spilling the tea🕺)

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(A/n:Anna oop, not @ Jaemin spilling the tea🕺)

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