"Death in my family? She wasn't just family Tia, she was my fucking sister" He yells back.

"I lost my fucking sister too, Harry and I lost my dad 3 days ago" I sob. "Don't you think I'm having it hard too?" I hang up and put my phone back into my pocket.

"Tia wouldn't do that" I yelled at my Mum. She lingered in the doorway having informed me that Tia told her she'd signed a contract with Mari-Anne. I didn't understand it, I'd hardly hurt her enough to do something like that, I may of cheated on her a few times but it didn't warrant for her to ruin my career. This is what I get when I let immature little fucking girls into my life, they mess with  my head and then leave me.

"Tia" I heard my Mum say into the phone, hearing her fucking name made me angry, I smashed a few plates to the ground, causing my Mum to yell "HARRY STOP!" from the kitchen.
She brought her cell phone to me and put it to my ear. Tia's warm voice filled my ears and I instantly feel myself running back to her.

"You know Tia, betrayal is the worst thing out of all of this" I cry into the phone, I wanted her to feel how much she'd hurt me. "You signed a contract to hurt me?"

I hear a crash through the phone and I silently plead that she hasn't hurt herself. 

"I'm sorry Harry, I really am" Tia cries "I didn't mean too"
Didn't mean to? Is she fucking serious?

"You didn't mean too?" I snapped. "You physically met up with Mari-Anne, took your pen, wrote your signature and allowed it to go through"

"I know but I-" Tia starts but I cut her off.

"I wasn't fucking finished" I spit. "You knew my sister was in the hospital! You knew how much that hurt me, but you still went ahead and continued with the contract?"

"I know Harry I-" She tries to speak again but I cut her off again.

"Gemma died last night Tia" I sob. "My own girlfriend wasn't there for me when I needed her. You selfish ungrateful fucking little bitch"

"I've allowed you to say how you feel but I won't allow you to call me names" She whispers, her voice breaks and maybe I've gone to far. "You don't even know the reasons why I went behind your back, you just wouldn't let me tell you! And as for Gemma dying I'm sorry to hear about that"

"Tia-" I  begin, but it's my turn for her to cut me off. 

"You've cheated on me, lied to me, hurt me in ways unimaginable and because I signed a little contract you are mad at me?" She yells. "Harry just because there's been a death in your family, doesn't mean you can treat me like this"

"Death in my family? She wasn't just family Tia, she was my fucking sister" I yell back. 

"I lost my fucking sister too, Harry and I lost my dad 3 days ago" She sobs. Her Dad died? I wasn't there for her when her Dad died. "Don't you think I'm having it hard too?"
Just as I'm about to respond the line goes dead and I'm left heartbroken holding the phone in my left hand I slide to the ground and put my head in my knees.

"There you are" Mother snaps. "I've been looking for you for an hour, come inside, the guests are here"

"Is that all you give a shit about?" I yell. "My Dad's just fucking died and all you care about is yourself and your image"

"How dare you speak to me like that" She yells back. Placing a perfectly manicured hand on her hip she paces back and forth in her heels. "Of course I care Tianna"

"Don't call me that" I whisper. Ever since I was little I'd hated it when people called me it.

"Don't you accuse me of not caring about my husband" Mother snaps. I am now reminded why I left home. 

"Well you clearly don't" I snap. "You didn't cry once during the funeral and you don't seem to be crying now"
Mother shrugs her shoulders, I am too annoyed and upset to continue this conversation so I climb down from the tree house and push past her. Thankfully I hadn't had time to unpack and everything I needed was still in my suitcases.
Quickly, I grab my phone charger and shove it into my bag, I rang a taxi minutes ago and was stood outside my Mothers house waiting for it to come.

"You're leaving?" I hear Calvin's voice.

"Um.. yeah" I say, silently wishing for the taxi to hurry up. 

"Why?" Calvin asks. "Is it your mother?"

"Yeah" I say, why can't he just fuck off?

"Well Tia, I hope you lead a good life back in England, I will miss you" Calvin says, pulling me into a hug. However I don't hug him back

"Get your fucking hands off her" I hear that familiar voice I have grown to love.


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