Part 2

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Saturday night arrived and I felt like I was going insane. It felt like everyone knew what I was doing tonight somehow, like there was a big sign on my back that announced that I'd be on my knees in a few hours gobbling cock. I had neglected to bring up the subject of sperm in the mouth and feared he'd expect it now. I had no idea if I could do that. I had no idea if I wanted to. The idea of cock in my mouth was bad enough. And the idea of swallowing? Did I want to be in charge, making him suck my cock?

I tried to refocus "Get a grip on yourself," I whispered shakily. It was seven o'clock and getting dark outside. I already knew the way because I had driven up there last night to scope the place out. I had never been down to that part of town where the apartment was but I soon felt I could navigate the main roads blindfolded.

We set the time for nine o'clock so I could get back at a decent hour. I felt surprisingly stupid asking how long it would take but he came back saying about two hours, if I wanted to talk. I wondered how long I could suck. The blow jobs I had received myself hadn't lasted that long, five or ten minutes, max. Getting it over with and done when it was expected of you was a girls' first impulse, I imagined. 

At eight o'clock I told mom when to expect me back and went out to my car. I was jumpy as a horse hyped up about to start a race; I was sure the engine wouldn't start. Then, because I feared running out of gas, I topped off my three-quarter full tank at the Petrol station. I was a mess.

On the way I recited my greetings. "Hello, Mick. I'm Lindsey." 

"Hi, I'm Lindsey from the chat room." 

"Remember me? I'm Lindsey."

What if this was a joke. What if some twisted friend of mine had discovered my screen name and set me up. What if Mick wasn't real, what if friends planned a surprise party for me as a prank or it was just a prank because I had always acted so against other homosexuals, because I secretly dealt with my own sexual orientation, there was so many what ifs and thoughts that continued to drive me insane. 

I almost turned around but at eight-thirty I pulled into his parking lot and waited. 

At ten minutes to nine, I stopped twisting my hands in my lap and got out and locked the door.

 At five minutes to nine, I did the exact same thing and walked over to the building. I climbed the stoop and pressed the button to ring the bell. 

The door buzzed and I grabbed the handle like a malfunctioning robot. My whole body felt like a malfunction especially as I heard footsteps  and the door opened and there, grinning uncertainly, was my date and wow, he was tall, sexy and I couldn't tear my eyes off him, I already felt my cock tingling. 

"Hi there," I said lamely.

"Hi there. You gonna come in?"

His grin had widened more but he also seemed shy especially as I let out an awkward chuckle of a response "Of course!" I smiled, beginning to walk closer to him.

I began to notice more about him, he had a fancy style about him actually, much fancier than I expected for a travelling musician. His hair was brown and longer than I had imagined and his eyes were like a storm of colours, his smile had a cheeky and charming essence to it and I just felt taken by his charm.

"I'm Lindsey," I said stupidly and stuck out my hand. 

He shook it and stepped back to let me in. His apartment "Well you know I'm Mick!" He replied" Can I take your jacket?" he asked.

"Thanks." I took it off and handed it to him. He hung it on a line of pegs beside the front door. I looked at him, thinking distractedly that between his legs was a 7-1/2" long penis with my name on it.

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