~New School~

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A/N: This is my first fanfic enjoy~

Seojun's POV

It was a peaceful day in Seoul until i was awakened by my mom yelling calling me. I quickly got off my bed and locked myself in the bathroom i was scared for my LIFE right now. I could hear her walking up the stairs still calling out my name i tried not to make any kind of noises. She entered my room surprised to see that i wasn't there. She did eventually found me in the bathroom she came in with a bottle of soju like every other day. Next thing i knew she THREW the bottle at me i looked down at my thigh where there was cut from the bottle. I tried to stop her but she just kicked me in the stomach making me fall on the ground. I tried to get up but couldn't. I finally was able to get up but once i did she just slapped called me useless and told me to get ready for school. When she left i got up cleaned my cuts put on a black hoodie and sweatpants and left for school. 

~Time skip to when he arrives at school~ 

I arrived at my new school it was very different compared to my old school but eh i don't really care. I put my hood up and quietly walked to class. "Okay class settle down we have a new student in our class!" mr. Han announced. "H-hi my name is Han Seojun n-nice to meet you!" i managed to say. "Okay Seojun you can go sit beside Suho, Lee Suho please raise your hand" mr. Han said. A tall guy with light brown hair and almond eyes raised his hand who apparently is Lee Suho. I went and sat next to him. "H-hi i'm S-seojun" i spoke. "I know" he stated. 

~Time skip to lunch time~

I was walking thru the cafeteria looking for a place to sit. After searching i found an empty seat but it was next my seat-mate in class Suho Lee- Do i sit next to him or no? After some hesitation i went up to him. "H-hi sorry to bother you but d-do you mind if i s-sit here?" i questioned. "Why?" damn that was cold.."U-um i don't have anywhere e-else to sit" i tried not to seem HURT. "Fine whatever" wow i didn't expect him to say that but eh am happy he agreed! 

A/N: This is it for chapter one lmoa i'll try to update every weekend maybe if i can if i cant then i'll update any day. I'm so sorry for bullying Seojun-

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