"Welcome to Eastview High School. My name is Jade Amber. I'm your guide today."


The girl smiled.

"We have the same classes so you going be with all day."

I chuckled a bit.

"So what's your name? I forgot to ask."

"Marcus Shojin."

"So our first class is English."


She smiled again.

"I feel like we going be good friends."

"I feel the same way."

We walked into class.

"Do you have any questions?"

I thought of one.

"Is there any one I should watch out for?"

Jade chuckled a bit.

"Yeah, the school bully Keywon Jefferson. Sadly he's in this class."

We sat down.

"He has a girlfriend, but there are rumors saying he like guys."

I gave a her a look and then laughed.

"I'm just going stay close to you."

She laughed

"Hey Jade who is your new friend?"

I looked up and saw a guy.

"Hey Blake. This is Marcus Shojin."

He smiled at me.

"Nice to meet you."


He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles.

"Blake..Why did you do that?" Jade asked

"Oh I'm sorry."

He quickly took his hand back and quickly walked away.

"Who was that guy?" I asked

"Blake Fletcher. He the captain of the basketball team."

"I see. Why did he kiss my knuckles?"

"I'm not sure. He has a girlfriend."

We both looked over and he was looking at us. We looked at each other and chuckled.

"So are you interested in any programs here at the school?"

I didn't give much thought, since I just moved to Seattle.

"Nope. I didn't look into it."

She hummed.

"You can join my program."

"What's that?"


"Sure I check it out."

She gave me a light hug.

"We have a new student, so that means more money."

Jade and me turned around. We saw an arrogant guy standing in the class door.

"That's Keywon."

He walked over to us.

"There is a $5 dollar new student fee. Every student pays it."

I chuckled.

"I'm not paying for something you made up."

Jade started to laugh.

"Look here you little...."

"Keywon please take your sit."

The teacher walked in and to her desk.

"I can't believe you had the guts to say that to him." Jade patted my back

"I'm just different I guess."

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