~The end is just another beginning~

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Hello to the people reading this book. Before you read this, just so you know there is death at the end of this book. Be warned in case that triggers you. Also, if someone actually reads this and there are any typos or problems please let me know (I take constructive criticism not rude comments)

She was so peaceful. His wife lay there in his arms, breathing slowly and evenly, her heart rate was less powerful than the fae but Cardan found it beautiful all the same.

Her chestnut hair was splayed out and her mocha coloured skin gleamed in the sunlight. Her rosy complexion was so different from the gas and Cardan half wished she would open her eyelids just so that he could see those gorgeous amber eyes of hers.

She murmured something in her sleep, too quiet and too fast for even Cardans hearing.

He wondered what she could be thinking of. He wished he knew.

Jude's brain was a treasure full to the brim of things ranging from facts and battle strategies to ball gowns and etiquette. But most of all, Jude's brain was thoughtful and kind. Although it came up with the most scathing remarks, Cardan had often been the subject of those, it held compassion for those who she loved.

He pressed a kiss to her forehead and her eyes fluttered open.

There they were. Those beautiful eyes. They were more fascinating than any eyes of the fae. Cardan could stare at those amber eyes for ages.

He was shaken from his trance by a grumpy "What are you staring at, asshole?" from his sleep deprived wife.

Cardan chuckled quietly. "Only you, my sweet nemesis."

"Well stop. I'm trying to sleep."

It had been a stressful couple of days for them both. Ruling over Elfhame was still as hard as when his murderous brother and Jude's adoptive father was planning to kill them, only now, it was more tedious.


Jude's lilting voice brought him back to reality once again.

"Yes, my sweet Jude?"

"What are we going to do now? It feels like the end. There are no more wars to be won, no more evil brother-in-laws to be killed, what do now that we've reached the end?"

"Well, my darling, the end is simply just another beginning. We get to start over."

He pressed his lips to hers. "Together."

"That is so cliche..."

Cardan snorted.

"...I love you so much," Jude whispered softly.

"I love you too, my queen."


When Jude found out that she was with child Cardan was ecstatic.

Suddenly 9 months didn't seem that long. It was a flurry of trips to the mortal world for baby supplies (it seemed to be the only thing the Duarte sisters agreed upon), baby names (something the Duarte sisters did NOT agree upon), Jude's pregnancy cravings and everything in between.

One night, when Jude was 6 months pregnant, Cardan came back into their bedroom after a long day of paperwork and meetings to find Jude crying on their bed, three empty packets of m&ms lying beside her.

Cardan climbed upon the bed and enveloped her into his arms. "My darling Jude, what seems to be the matter?"

"I'm scared." Jude sniffled into his body. "What if we're not ready? What if the baby hates me?"

the end is just another beginning ~ a Jude and Cardan one-shotWhere stories live. Discover now