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ZIA WAS FLYING. She had made her way through the pack of racers like they weren't there, leaving them for dust. She knew that Binotto would be watching her from the pits, silently contemplating her move to Ferrari. A move which hadn't been confirmed yet, but Zia was desperate to gain.

But instead of dwelling on the future, she focused on the now, making her way through the grid. Currently 12th position, all the way from 19th, she had managed to impress Binnoto so far.

There were quite a few laps left, and Zia was positive she could scrape a few more places before the race was up. Max Verstappen had just blown up his tyres, meaning Zia had gained an extra position for free. Earlier on in the race, Carlos Sainz, Antonio Giovinazzi, Nicholas Latifi and Kevin Magnessun had crashed out, leaving Zia free to charge ahead.

Zia's race engineer, David Wilson came through her radio, preparing her for the upcoming overtake. "Car in front, Russell in the Williams, Russell in the Williams, gap is 1.28 seconds. Come on Z, you can do this."

"Yep copy." she said as she pushed through turn nine. She could see the Williams, and edged closer towards it.

UP IN THE commentators box, David Croft and Martin Brundle were having a busy time commentating, the race having been filled with many incidents.

"Well Martin I think it's safe to say we've had an entertaining race." Cofty said.

"At least. D'you know Crofty, there's been plenty of incidents to last me I think the rest of my career."

Crofty glanced back at his screens and saw that Powman was inching closer to the Williams of Russell, and lent forward in his seat, addressing the audience watching from home."Now ladies and gentlemen we have a scrap on our hands. Zia Powman in the Alfa Romeo is creeping up on George Russell in the Williams."

Martin glanced at the gap between to two young drivers, "Before, the gap was 1.28, but now Powman has cut it down to 0.89, meaning she's allowed to use DRS in the next zone."

"And that zone is coming up right now. Down the straight they go, Powman's switched on her DRS, she's up next to the Williams, she's nearly there! Up to the corner, Powman is late on the brakes, she's got it! And- Oh and they've crashed! They've gone! Both cars have crashed out into turn one! Oh my word this is just a race full of DNF's!"

Martin stared at the screen wided eyed."I'd like to see a replay of that crash."

"And I Martin." Crofty said in agreement. On que, a replay from Grojean's car came onto the screen, as he was not far from the two battling cars, his camera had been able to catch a clean shot of the crash.

As they watched, both men could see Russell's car swift to the right, as if to cut Powman off from overtaking him, but the move had failed horribly. His front wing smashed into Powman's car, sending it spinning out into the gravel and right into the wall. Russell has spun too, as his wing had somehow hooked onto the underneath of Powman's car as she spun. She was lucky she hadn't flipped.

The tyers had burst on both cars, leaving them stuck in the gravel. Powman's back end was almost hanging off, the right side of her Alfa was wrecked.

"My word that is a very nasty crash, I hope that both drivers are okay, yep you can see Russell jumping out of the car now, and is Powman moving? Yes, yes she is. Well, glad they are both okay. God that was horrific." Crofty said, breathing a small sigh of relief that both drivers were okay.

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