Time to step away for a second. Alban isn't going anywhere. Not like he could see you anyway. Turning just to get a few cuts in before Koneko and Dragon Boi Issei started to get a wee bit much and you turned your attention back to Alban. "So," You are visible again. "It's much different when you can't see someone. How ironic."

"You..." Coughed Alban. 

"Is there anything else you want to say? Or am I just going to end it."

"Your father, has a journal. Under the seat in the confession booth. That is all."

You hold the sword next to his next. "That's all?"

"All he has left." Alban seemed even more weak. Even if he had medical attention there was a fat chance he wouldn't make it. He closed his eyes. Admitting defeat. There was nothing he can offer more. 

"Still not forgiven." One last slash. He gone. 

That was it. For everyone. It was all quiet. It looked like a chicken factory with all of the feathers scattered about. You walk over and return the weapon to Kiba. He looked over at you with a nod. "Let me check it for you. And I would read it back in your room."

"Okay. Thank you." You replied to him softly. There is still a large amount of emotions going on. Trying to take a breath and hope that there is closure. Just something to make this a good note. A death of who did it only could do so much. 

During this time Asia went over to your side to hug you. This was needed. You embrace her and give her a kiss. Just staying there. She didn't want to let go either. "That was reckless. But I can't blame you."

"Thanks Angel."

Kiba comes back with a black book with your father's name on it. "Let's all go home. We're done here."

Rias gave everyone a summoning circle. Everyone was going to wash up and head to the hot spring bath downstairs after this. Everyone could use a good bath after a long and gruesome day. Everyone was heading to the locker rooms as you were in your room with Asia as you were going to go through this journal of your father. Going to the last entry. It was documented two months before you were born into this world. 

I was very anxious hearing (FN) was on the way. I was scared. So nervous. Thinking how the in the heck am I going to do this. Not having a father myself I wanted guidance. So that is why I became part of the church. I wanted to be a good man to the woman I wanted to marry and my son. 

One day I know that he will mature and he will be taking care of his mother too if I am not here. I just hope that one day he will read this. Know that I no matter what happens from this day forward, tried to be a great husband and father. I wanted to take the steps and seek help simply because I didn't have confidence in what I was doing. 

All I ask of the son that I love is that years from now he meets himself a cute and nice girl, treats her with respect, and doesn't have kids until he's in his 20s that way I know he's ready. So please (FN), live your best life when you're born. I can't wait to hold you soon. I can't wait to celebrate father's day. I'm stepping up and looking forward to all of it. I love you. 

That got you. You didn't want tears dripping on the book. Howie watched you from his nest that Asia made him. Asia squeezed you tightly. Seeing the emotional pain. Your father was a good man. You resented him for all of this time. And it wasn't his fault at all. He did nothing wrong. Yueng tried to better his life and wanted to be the best family man. And Alban cut him off before that lifestyle could start. 



"I'm sorry." She was all emotional too. How could someone not at this moment.

"Finally. After all of these years." You got yourself together. Wiping your eyes and catching your breath. The chest pain is slowing down. 

"So what now? I don't want to leave you alone right now." She squeaked.

"I was going to just take a shower and let you know when I was hitting the sack."

"Then I'm coming with you." She pouted.

"What- hold on, what?" That shocked you.

Asia was still wrapped around you. "We're lovers and I'm not leaving you alone right now." She was firm on this. 

"Okay..." This is honestly a first. Though Issei has mentioned it, but the hot springs is a different story. Here, I never wanted to be the one bringing it up first. I wasn't sure where we were in our relationship. But here we go. I got sweat and blood spatter to clean off. I'll be in there for a while.


Shout out to Jessica who is no longer with us. We love you. I know how much you loved Asia. I'll get back to Healing Hearts after this. This story helped me better myself for her character. I'll give you my best as I do everything else. You were more than an apprentice. You were great woman with dreams. RIP. Much love. Thank you for watching over me here and there. I felt it throughout this chapter.


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