Chapter 4~Eccentric Feelings

Start from the beginning

"I'm sacred." I mentioned. 

"I NEVER thought I'd hear those words from Nolan's mouth," Matthew laughed. 

"Remember, even as humans they still feel an attraction to their mate. I'm sure when you go over there she's gunna like you right away." Alex replied to me. I nodded, it was kinda like a thanks. I still didn't want to go over there. But what was I scared of! before I knew it myself I was running over. Lise was on the end closest to me, so I just walked up. I smelled it and her and there was no question in my head that she was my mate. I looked over at the boys and nodded. Elliott looked happy, though. When I looked back at the girls, they were staring at me, silent. Like snipers. 

"Hey, I'm Nolan Whaffe. I'm a ninth grader, obviously." I said, trying to sound as happy as possible. I think Sofia recognized me, she stared and then her eyes looked understanding, and she replied. "Hi Nolan Whaffe. I am Sofia Keller." She said, a little uncomfortably. Morgan replied with a one worded hi, and Brook nodded and answered, "I'm Brook Warner, that's Morgan." Lise just stared at me, star-struck. Sofia elbowed her in the side, and she blinked and looked around, and at me. 

"Oh, uh, sorry, I guess, I'm Annalise." She finally said. Her voice brought butterflies to my stomach. 

"Hello, Annalise, Sofia, Morgan, Brook," I said. they nodded. "I best be going," I added and then walked back to my friends. 

"Annalise is IT." I said smiling, the first words out of my mouth when I returned. "I'm happier when I think about Sofie instead of Lise." Elliott said. I smiled. 

Throughout P.E. I could see out of the corner of my eye that she was looking at me. Normally I might find this creepy or annoying, but I liked her stalker-ish-ness. It was cute. 

And the more she stared at me, the more I wanted to stare at her. She was beautiful even wearing the school P.E. clothes. 

As we left P.E. and went to the lockers, I couldn't help but sneak a peak of her walking away. I could barely keep myself calm. 

We changed but didn't shower, today P.E. was just rules. No work out, no need to rinse off. "You guys can chill here, I'm gunna go over to the girls area." I told Matt, Alex and Elliott. they nodded and I made my way over to the back where the girls were. The boys locker room exit was near the front of the school and the girls was near the back. They all huddled in a pack. There were a couple other boys over here, so I wasn't too foreign. I just tried to stay away from the ninth graders, which was easy, and I located my target quickly by her scent. 

"Hey girls," I said, propping myself up against the wall before the four sevies. They looked almost in awe. They were probably wondering why I was hanging out with them. Oh well. 

"Hi, Nolan." They all replied in union. Annalise looked almost scared, but she was noticeably happy about my presence. The bell rang and they said goodbye and started walking away. "Annalise, wait?" I called, yet sort of asked. She turned around, then nodded to her friends who then kept walking. She ran back to me. "Yes?" She said eagerly. I just smiled and forgot what I was going to say. In the rush of the moment I swung her around to the back of the school where no one could see us. She looked kind of scared. "I'm not going to murder you." I said smoothly, and she relaxed a little. 

I couldn't hold it in any longer. I pushed her up against the brick wall and brought my lips to hers. One of my hands was behind her head so it wouldn't hit the wall, my other arm on the side on the wall to hold me up and keep her in. She surprised me by deepening the kiss. Her tongue penetrated my mouth and her hands went up and she moved them through my hair. I pushed up closer to her, my taste buds rejoicing at the taste of her mouth. I was very exited, and I wasn't ashamed at the thoughts I was having, even though I probably should have. She wrapped her leg around mine and put her arms around my neck and massaged my shoulders.  

Suddenly she opened her eyes, and pulled away. She looked scared. "Lise, what's up?" I asked quietly. She looked around, and then pushed away and ran. 

I looked around the corner, she was hurrying to the bus. I looked at my watch, we had only been kissing for a minute, though it seemed like a lifetime. I decided to skip the bus and just walk home. I needed time. 

Why would she run away from me? Was she mad, scared? She was the one who deepened the kiss. Did I do something wrong? Accidentally grab something? I'm sorry Lise. She seemed to like it! What did I do wrong? I was mentally punching myself in the face, obviously I was going too fast. Tomorrow I would ask her out. Or maybe that would be too fast?


Oooooooooh, what's with Lise!?!? That was SPICY. Sorry for any and all mistakes! Anyway, I hope everyone loves it and please comment and vote!!!!! 


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