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"I have an idea." Jessica half-whispers across the table.

I look over my shoulder anxiously as our teacher makes his way around the class, glancing over each table's work as he passes. I bite my lip and look down at our copies of Catcher in the Rye, barely touched, let alone opened or discussed. But as I look at my group members, I realize that I'm the only one who seems to care.

Nicole and Harvey lean in close, eager to hear Jessica's idea. With a quiet sigh, I lean in as well.

"Let's all make a list of places and-slash-or people that we want to... you know," she says, raising her eyebrows.

Harvey shifts uncomfortably as Nicole grins, leaning in closer. "I'm so in," she whispers. Harvey shrugs and motions for Jess to continue.

"It can be detailed, or it can be super vague; I haven't really worked everything out yet. But wouldn't it be fun?? It would be like a map for our high school experiences... when senior year comes around, we could look back at them and laugh," she says wistfully.

I bite the inside of my cheek thoughtfully. I guess it would be kind of fun... I do like checking things off lists. I clear my throat quietly. "So, like a kiss list?"

Jess nods excitedly. "Exactly! But it can't just be a little peck; it has to at least be a real kiss to count. Or more..." she winks.

I nod slowly, suddenly noticing that Nicole has already started writing things down. Harvey notices at the same time and laughs out loud, too loud, capturing the attention of Mr. Peaks, our tenth-grade English teacher. I quickly open my notebook and scribble down some notes I remember making while reading. Just in time, too, as Mr. Peaks is already approaching our table.

"I don't remember thinking this book was all that funny, but maybe you guys have some notes you'd like to share?" He peers over Nicole's shoulder, and she flushes a deep shade of pink.

"Hotel, bar, park, train station... are you guys listing locations from the book? What am I missing?" He directs his question at all four of us, looking at us quizzically.

I bite down on the inside of my cheek to keep me from laughing. Harvey comes to our rescue, thankfully. "Yes, sir, we were just talking about how many iconic locations came from this very book," he says coolly.

"Holden sure had a great list of spots," Jess adds between giggles. Mr. Peaks gives us all another confused look but decides we're doing well enough to leave us alone. I break down into a fit of giggles as Nicole sinks her head into her hands, still blushing.

"Well, now we know what's on Nikki's list," Harvey smirks. Nicole peeks at him between her fingers and groans.

"You got lucky though; it really did seem like you were naming locations from the book!" I say as I push her arm playfully. She smiles at me as she sits back up, flipping her long black hair over her shoulder.

"I guess you guys had better get started on your lists then," she says with a grin, "and no stealing my ideas!"

"One step ahead of you," Jess replies, holding up her notebook.

"⭐️ THE LIST ⭐️" it reads in block letters, with stars drawn around the title. Jess places the notebook in the center of our table so we can all lean in and read it.

"Library, pool, concert, movie theatre... damn, Jess, you're clearly into public spaces!" Harvey remarks with a laugh. His brown eyes crinkle as he throws his head back, always the loudest laugh in the room.

Jess is unfazed, admiring her painted nails as we all gape at her list. She twirls a lock of her blonde hair around her finger and shrugs.

The bell rings then, and we all start packing our things. Harvey makes eye contact with me as we push our chairs in. "Guess it's you and me left to share our lists," he says with a wink.

I force a smile. "Guess so," I reply, hoping it sounds more confident than I feel. Nicole grabs my elbow and leads me out of the classroom and to our lockers, where Maia is already waiting for us.

"How was first period?" Maia asks sweetly. Her strawberry blonde hair is pulled back into a low ponytail, which she keeps adjusting.

"Great, get this: we're making hook-up lists!" Nikki tells Maia excitedly. I groan into my locker and they both turn to look at me. Nikki rolls her eyes at me as Maia looks between us, waiting for more details.

Nikki continues. "So it's basically a list of places and-or people that you want to-"

"Don't say it again!!" I hiss at her. She waves her hand at me dismissively.

"A list of places you want to hook up in and people you want to hook up with," she explains. Maia grins and blushes slightly.

"Okay! I'm in. Can it be anywhere? How realistic does it have to be?" She asks excitedly. I groan again and Nikki swats at my arm.

"Ignore her," she says with another eye roll, "she's nervous because she feels under-experienced." Now it's my turn to roll my eyes, although she's not wrong.

Maia turns to me and pouts. "I keep forgetting you haven't had your first kiss yet!" She says to me, louder than I would prefer. My eyes widen as I scan our immediate surroundings to see if anyone heard that. She doesn't notice and continues. "You're still coming with us to the mall tonight, right? We can ask Aaron to bring his brother, if you want?"

I shrug. I've never met Aaron or his brother. All I know is that Aaron tutored Nicole over the summer, and she was super into him. He's probably on her list...

"Oh, Aaron is so going on my list," Nikki says, leaning back against her locker and clutching her books to her chest. "Yeah, it'll be better if he brings Yorkie, Maia will be too busy with Will anyway, we don't want you to be a fifth-wheel, now do we?" She says to me with a playful grin.

"His name is Yorkie?" I ask confusedly, biting the inside of my cheek. "Alright, sure. What does he look like?" I shrug as the three of us make our way to second period.

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