“Oh…” he said, feeling himself deflate. But he cheered himself up by saying that she was holding his hand willingly.

“Alright,” He grinned, “Let’s go.”

The mates slowly walked back to the house, Slade loving every moment Nine slipped because then he could wrap his arms around her. He purposely made the walk slow to spend the last moments with her before they were bombarded by the others.

While on their walk, Nine asked questions about mates but only the factual ones Slade could answer. He didn’t exactly know how to explain to her how to be a mate.

“It comes naturally.” Slade said and gazed affectionately at his adorable mate. He noticed that she pouted whenever she was thinking deeply.

“All you need to do is be yourself.” He lifted his free hand to brush her thick fringe away from her beautifully striking eyes.

Nine frowned at her mate. “Being a mate is st-stupid.” She mumbled, making him laugh out loud. His deep voice made Nine freeze for a second, her eyes widening at him. For a moment she felt something inside of her before it slowly disappeared.

Shaking her head, Nine continued to question her mate only for Slade to say, “Why don’t we leave that for last and let you settle down in the pack house first.”

Nine whipped her head to him, “I get to li-ve in the pack ho-use?” she gaped at him in awe.

Slade nodded his head when they came into view of the house. “From now on you will only be living in luxury.” He promised.

His mind wondered to the cabin and thought it’d be best to wait a little longer before telling Nine. He didn’t want her to think that she will be permanently living in there. Maybe it could be their little escape house, where they can spend time with only them.

They walked towards the house and Slade opened the door for his mate to enter first. Feeling thrilled and extremely eager to explore, Nine gripped Slade’s hand and tugged at it.

“Can I-I go ex-plore?! Please!” she pleaded, her eyes shifting everywhere and then landing on him.

Slade would have been a fool to say no that face. Something tells him that he was going to have an extremely hard time denying her anything she wanted in the future.

Nodding his head as no words were able to come out his mouth, Slade watched as his mate stumble into the living room. He jerked forward to catch her when she was falling but Nine quickly got back up and started to touch everything that was new to her.

Her eyes filled with happiness and a permanent grin on her face.

Slade leaned against the wall next to him with his arms crossed against his chest, his eyes followed his mate with both caution and gentleness. Soon enough, his friends and sister joined him to watch Nine at the sidelines.

The scene was quite amusing to watch for an outsider.

Tori’s hands were on her cheeks as she let out loud squeals at Nine’s childlike innocence. All she wanted to do was grab her in a big hug and never let her go. Her mate was trying to calm her down and obviously failing, he kept apologising to those passing by and shooting Tori an annoyed look.

Nolan had a bag of chips and was munching it down like he was watching an intense football match instead of just watching his Luna explore. He was even commenting out loud at the things she picked up or touched such as when Nine found someone’s iPod under the couch.

“Ha! Which fool lost their iPod?!” Nolan barked out a laugh.

Nine glance at him before turning to the device. She had seen it before but had no idea how to use it so she pressed the buttons randomly which turned on the music, making her almost drop it in shock as One Direction came blasting on.

Number 9: The Genetically Modified WerewolfМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя