the long awaited win

Start from the beginning

"you think doyeon and yeojin are okay?" jungeun asked as she laid her head on jinsoul's shoulder.

"they'll be fine." jinsoul reassures her and pats her head. the members who were at the company dinner were by now drunk and was just enjoying their meals. indeed the maknaes were safe, but they technically weren't okay. the better word to describe them was, hectic.

the whole living room had turned into a noraebang and the maknaes were dancing their heads off.

"do you think the company will actually go through with the subunit promise?!" yeojin asked as they danced.

"nope!" doyeon yelled but they continued dancing.

"i feel tired." the time passed and doyeon falls onto the couch and sighs.

"me too." yeojin said falling down onto her rather beside her. a loud groan was heard from doyeon and the two laugh.

"yah." doyeon pushes her and yeojin repositions herself beside her.

"i wish we joined in the company dinner." yeojin groans as she then laid on top of doyeon.

"what are you talking about, we ate with them. we just got dropped home since they wanted to start drinking." doyeon said. which was true. they did join the company dinner, only until the time where everybody started drinking.

"aw come on, i'm the only one who hasn't drank even a sip. you're lucky you started drinking at 18." yeojin nudges her and doyeon chuckles.

"that's because in canada, you can start drinking before 20." doyeon chuckles.

"but lucky for you, i've prepared for this day." doyeon smiled and walked to the kitchen. then she came back carrying a two bottles of soju and a few bottles of beer.

"where did you get those?" yeojin asks, slightly excited about it.

"our manager sneaked this in for me. he thinks i'm gonna drink by myself but you know me. i always want to include you." doyeon chuckles and opens the first bottle of soju and opens a beer for yeojin.

"so, your first drink, without the other girls but, at least you'll get a taste." doyeon chuckles as she pours her a shot of soju.

"you've drank this before right?" yeojin asks.

"i've drank like wine, beer, whiskey, vodka, but never soju." doyeon answered and yeojin pours her a shot.

"to our first win." doyeon raises up her shot.

"to our first win." yeojin smiles and the two take the shot. placing their shots down, doyeon chuckles having her tongue stuck out, yeojin makes a sour like face and doyeon laughs seeing her.

"chase it down with water." doyeon tells her and yeojin nods doing so.

"feels better hm?" doyeon asked and yeojin nods.

"you don't feel anything?" yeojin asks seeing doyeon not drink any water.

"i'll be fine." doyeon chuckles and yeojin nods. so, as doyeon played video games, yeojin continued sipping away at her beer while doyeon drank somaek, the combination of beer and soju.

though, yeojin got drunk before doyeon did. while yeojin was drunk, all she did was tons of loud talking and a lot of sudden hugging to doyeon. but seeing as it was getting closer to 4 am, doyeon had carried yeojin to bed who had now fallen asleep.

when the girls got home, they were surprised to see doyeon still awake, watching tv. they were even more surprised when they see the one and a half empty bottles of soju and five empty bottles of beer.

"doyeon?!" sooyoung ran to doyeon and she turned her head towards them.

"you guys got here pretty late." doyeon groaned as she scratched her head.

"why are you drinking?!" she asked.

"oh i uh bought some." doyeon said not wanting to snitch on their manager.

"aish, doyeon we told you not to drink since you're living in korea now." heejin said as hyejoo turned off the console and hyunjin put away the bottles.

"don't worry, me and yeojin had fun partying on our own." doyeon smiled and almost fell asleep immediately when she was laid down on the bed.

the next morning, the girls found yeojin throwing up in the bathroom and doyeon nowhere to be seen. unfortunately, yeojin had told the truth about doyeon letting her drink yet fortunately for doyeon, she wasn't home. she was visiting haseul and currently having breakfast with the leader's family.

"the reason why i came here, is because i wanted to keep my promise." doyeon smiled softly.

"thank you." haseul teared up and basically tackled doyeon into a hug.

"no need to." doyeon chuckles and thanks haseul's mom when she was given more food to eat.

"you're the best." haseul said as she laid her head onto doyeon's shoulder.

"i'd rather have you say that about yourself." doyeon smiles, side hugging her.

when doyeon had come back home, she was met with a hungover yeojin, drinking water and ten angry loona members all ready to scold her for drinking and getting yeojin to drink as well.

"i can explain." doyeon said.

"you better have a damn good explanation." jinsoul said.

"well, um..." doyeon looks at yeojin.

"look, she felt left out cause we couldn't drink with you guys and so i wanted to give her a drink. don't worry, i cooked that breakfast that you guys always eat during a hungover." doyeon said and they all look confused.

"breakfast?" jungeun asked.

"yeah it was in the microwave..." doyeon said and walked to it. she brings out the plate of pancakes decorated with whipped cream and strawberries.

"yah what did she eat." doyeon looks at them, now looking like the one who was ready to scold them.

"only some toast..." sooyoung said and doyeon sighs in frustration.

"all this time you guys didn't check the microwave?!" doyeon said.

"we were too worried since she was throwing up!" jiwoo said and doyeon places the food in front of yeojin, having the girl immediately grab the fork and knife and start to eat.

"did you guys not learn anything whenever i'd take care of you all when you're hungover?" doyeon asked. this was one of the rare times where doyeon acted like a filipino mom but man was it a sight to see.

"i swear you guys have short term memory." doyeon said. it was ironic for her to say that since she literally had a short term memory. then they see her pour a smoothie that she made during the morning and hand it to yeojin.

"i love the berry smoothies you make." yeojin smiled brightly as she drank from it and continued eating.

"i know." doyeon chuckled petting her head and then looked back at the girls.

"look, i know that i shouldn't have let her drink, but it's only going to be this time i promise, we did have our first win. plus do you really think i was gonna let her drink and not take care of her before i left to see haseul?" doyeon asked.

"you left to see haseul?" vivi asked.

"yeah, i took a cab there, i texted manager unnie everything. i had breakfast there." doyeon said.

"oh and she says that she misses all of you and that she can't wait to get back to the dorm." doyeon smiles softly.

"if you weren't so young you'd be the leader by now." hyejoo chuckles softly.

"again you remind me why i don't wanna be leader." doyeon chuckled softly. individually she could take care of the girls, but altogether as leader of the group, she'd rather be in another group.

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