Naughty Love

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They were lying flat on the bed -- exhausted! Sweat was rolling down their body. 

The room was messed, their clothes were lying on the floor -- everywhere!

There was pin-drop silence in the room, only the sound of their heavy breaths and thumping hearts in their chest could be heard. 

There are many things to say, to converse but they were shy -- shy to start a conversation or make eye contact, reason being their first lovemaking! 

They have been in a live-in relationship for the past five years but never got intimate. Though she was highly impatient and desperate to take their relationship to the next level his hesitation and shy nature doesn't let it happen. 

But today when he returns home after a whole one month as he was out of station for a case -- CID officers are always on duty! He was different when she saw him. His first act when he stepped in the house was clear enough for her to know what he wants and she was happy for that -- to get a passionate smooch from him. 

Now, lying beside each other wrapped in a single sheet, the heat of their naked body was driving them insane but they chose to be quiet, actually he! Because she wants to talk -- talk about their first experience. 

She turns to him only to find him in deep thought, maybe thinking about some case. 

She places her hand on his chest which pulls him into reality. He looks at her, smiling lightly.

She smiles at him widely,'' it was awesome na!?'' She asked, caressing his exposed area of chest with her thumb. 

His eyes instantly widen at her statement, his face turns red. How can she talk about all these things that easily? 

He turned away his face, his brows were still furrowed in deep thoughts. 

She sensed something was wrong.

''What happen baby?'' She questioned calmly. 

He looked at her for a few good seconds, some tension was visible on his face. She cupped his face with one hand and snuggled to him. 

''Why are you so tensed Vineet? What's bothering you?'' She questioned again. 

He gulped down but continued to stare at her. After a moment he parted his lips and says,'' I can't find it Ana!'' He spoke, fearfully. 

Ana aka Anamika was left confused, she couldn't understand what he meant. 

''Kya?? What are you trying to find? Don't tell me you are catching you criminals lying beside me!'' She rolls her eyes. 

He sighs, ''No! I'm not talking about them. I mean that'' He couldn't able to say what he's talking about while she stares at him confusedly and blankly. 

''I remember it was there when I entered the room but it's not in the place now. I don't know where it goes!'' He told her but she was still confused. 

''Vineet, what are you talking about?'' She asked as she sat up on the bed, he did the same. 

''Arey wahi!'' He tried to give a hint but it's of no use. 

''Condom yaar!!'' He shouts closing his eyes but opens them a moment later. 

''It must be here only na!'' She says trying to pull the sheet down his body to see if it is there or not. 

He slapped on her arms,'' what is this behaviour? I'm saying na it's not there!'' He glares at her.

''Then where is it?'' She questioned looking at him, he shrugged his shoulder. 

He enters his hand under the sheet and tries to find it on the bed thinking it may have fallen there but couldn't find it. 

He was busy searching for it when she shouted, making him jump at his place, he looked at her. 

''Did you leave it inside me??'' She questioned, screaming. 

Vineet's eyes enlarged in shock, ''I don't know!'' He says, sweat drops immediately form in his head. 

''How can you say that? If it's nowhere then you must have probably left it inside me! How could you do this Vineet!'' She shouts, rolling on the bed slapping on her chest with her both hands. 

Vineet who was already fearful was scared to hell now. He doesn't know if it's actually inside her but if she's right then it's a big problem.

He came out of his trance as he slapped him on his thigh. 

''You idiot, what are you thinking now? Call the doctor, I'm going to die!'' She cries, throwing her arms and legs in the air. 

The sheet slipped down her body in the process, he immediately covered her. 

''I'm sorry Ana! I don't know how does it happen, meine jaan bujh ke kuch na kiya!'' He apologises, he looks guilty of whatever happened. 

Descending the bed he searched  his jeans and took out his phone. He opens the contact list to call the doctor when realise what he would say to the doctor. That he left the condom in his girlfriend? 

Ewww!! He can't say that!! 

Only the thought passes a chill down his spine, his cheeks turn red and his body heats up instantly. 

But he had to call a doctor and the doctor would ask the reason. 

He looked up at her, her back was facing him,''Ana! W.. What will...I... I say to the doctor?'' He asked, stammering. 

Anamika turns to him instantly, she rolls her eyes. He gulps down thinking she's angry because of his question but to his surprise, she bursts out laughing. 

He looks at her confusedly,''why are you laughing Ana?'' He questions moving towards her, tension lines still visible on his face which makes her laugh harder. 

''I didn't know a brave CID officer like you would be so dumb!'' She exclaims, controlling her laughter. 

He narrowed his eyes to which she says,'' dumbo, how can you leave the thing which you never wore!?'' She states and bursts out laughing again. 

Reality hit Vineet, so it was a prank that happens because of his dumbness. 

Urgh! Isn't it embarrassing? He went to the washroom to wear that but ended up not doing the same and later thought he lost it somewhere and then got fooled by her! 

''I'm not doing it again, never!!'' He exclaims, covering his face with his both hands, causing her to laugh harder at his act. 


The End

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