- chapter 49 -

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"so he just hasn't called at all?"

"nope. not a call... not a text. but he did like my post on instagram..."

"stop." olivia said, trying to make it seem like she didn't agree with louis' actions. (even though she knew the reason why he didn't call nor text y/n.)

"right." y/n sighed.

olivia, y/n and jenna spent all day shopping. little did y/n know that there was something going on at the moment in her room. they were currently on their way home in an uber.

"was he there in the morning?" jenna asked, acting confused as she turned off her phone.

"no. i woke up, got dressed and then we left. that was it."

"maybe he just-"

"forgot?" y/n scoffed.

"you don't know that," olivia rose her eyebrows.

"we don't not know it."

y/n shrugged and turned to the window, slightly disappointed. if he did forget... there must have been a reason right? maybe he didn't even know it was her birthday.


if he didn't know... he didn't know. and if he did, even though he doesn't seem like the type to know someone's birthday and just not say anything, oh well.

she'll just have to deal with it.

he's just a boy, anyway.

a special boy, though... a really really special boy, an annoyingly cute boy with his adorable british acce-

stop, y/n.

eventually the three made it home safely. walking up the stairs to the main living area, y/n stayed silent in her own thoughts.

it was a fun birthday... she spent the day with her friends shopping, got a bunch texts and calls from her closest friends. overall it was a good day. she was genuinely thankful.

though one single text from him would have probably made her day ten time better.

"hey, we're gonna go up to our room to go get something, we'll be down in a minute, okay?" olivia said, stoping y/n from walking any further to her room.

y/n turned to them, furrowed eyebrows.

"yeah... okay sure."

and without another word the two ran up the stairs past her. she stayed still for a moment, confused by the sudden need to leave, but she pushed it aside and made her way up to her room.

opening the door to the dark floor that belonged to her and tom, sighing, she put her things down on the floor. she turned around and closed the door before turning on the lights.



she whipped around startled, banging her elbow against the door behind her in the process.

"OW!" y/n gripped her arm, holding it against her stomach.

"fuck, y/n, i'm sorry!" he ran up to her, taking hold of her arm quickly while she looked up at him.

"louis? what the hell are you doing in here? and in the dark?!"

"i was trying to surprise you! which obviously was not a good idea." he muttered. "are you okay?" louis stroked her elbow softly.

he was trying to surprise her?

she watched him, a light growing smile on her face as he rubbed her arm.

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