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I can feel it,

Creeping up my spine,

Like a winter breeze coming throw a crack in a window.

The tears are like ice rolling down my cheek.

I'm falling in to the darkness,

That same darkness that has been calling me.

"Let it go" IT says. "It will be better"ITsays.

Sometimes I wish it was that easy,

But I try to see throw the darkness and ignore IT,

But all I see is a glimmer of light that I could never reach.

After a while the glimmer has even faded,

"Just give up" IT calls. "Let it end" IT calls.

The darkness sings IT's beautifully horrible song,

High notes and all.

Breaking me apart piece by piece,

When fate stepped in and pushed me deeper into the black, cold, empty darkness,

Fate took her,

The one who loved me,

The one who saw the true me,

The one who could always pull me from this darkness,

Pull me out of all the hurt and endless pain.

She made it end,

She made the darkness turn to light,

She made the darkness quiet.

Without her the darkness turned black again,

IT became louder than ever,

Like IT knew she was never coming back.

It's a fight everyday not letting IT in and giving up.

I would've let go the day she was taken,

But I know she would kill me if I didn't at least put up a fight.

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