Sleeping Awaiting For The Apocolypse

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Reki Pov:

So hello people how about we do a little recap about our little apocalypse situation. That over there is a zombie chomping on a arm. *next to Dope Sketch is a zombie chomping on a arm while reki tries to move slowly past it with langa right behind him, they finally get inside without alerting the zombie* "wait arent we missing someone langa, where's Tadashi he was supposed to come with us" Langa just looks at me like I was missing something."Tadashi stayed because cherry and Adam started fighting again before we left the safe house."

Well how about we start from the beggining and how we got to this point.

~This Is Brought To You By Tadashi's Pet        Kink~
                            (sorry not sorry)

Narrator Pov:

Back to joe's resturant and our beloved characters cant believe what they just saw, a dismembered arm in the middle of the street and a person with their stomach open and their organs scattered everywhere. Since Joe and Cherry where the closest to the glass door they both made everyone go into the back room that joe has incase of emergencies, they also had Miya cover his eyes because they didn't want to traumatize their adopted child. Tadashi tried his best to stay calm and take adam into the backroom.

After all that happened Shadow suggested if could check out the situation incase it was just a shooting or something similar. Joe looked at Shawdow then at the kids in worry if they were in any danger. "Are you sure you wanna do this alone" "Its okay " "No, i'll go with you and no buts"

Shadow and both Joe came out of the backroom. Joe had a bat while Shawdow had his explosives. They both slowly crept up to the glass door, they heard groaning coming from a corner of the restaurant. They then saw something so horrific, it was a human eating out someone's intestines. Joe and Shadow tried their best to not to vomit and make noise. After that they slowly went back inside and shut the door with lock, Shadow got some chains and chairs and they barricaded the door shut.

They finally went back to the room to tell them about their findings. Cherry was trying to calm down the 3 boys that were trying their hardest to not breakdown then and there.

Cherry looked relived once he saw Joe and Shadow safe. "Is anything wrong, what's going on out there" Joe took cherry to a corner to talk about what they found, meanwhile Shadow looked at the boys with a worried expression. "So what happened out there Joe?" "There was a person eating someone's insides and I have watched enough movies to know that what's going on out there is a zombie apocalypse" cherry looked more worried then before because they had 3 kids to look after and secure their safety.

Tadashi was also called to get into the conversation about what's going on out there, he also looked worried because he didn't want anyone to die especially Adam. Meanwhile with Shadow he was trying to calm down Miya while langa hugged a shaking reki. "Reki are you okay do you want to lay down with me in a corner" langa pointed to a corner that Joe set up for them to lay down and get rest. "No I'm not scared but yes, Miya wanna join us you can cuddle between me and Langa" Miya nodded while slowly getting in a cuddling position.

After a while Miya fell asleep in between Langa and Reki,  the adults looked very worried and concerned. "Langa what do you think is going on out there the only thing Joe said was that we're going to stay here for a while" Langa looked at the direction of the adults. "I don't know but whatever it is I hope my mom's safe" "Me too, I already miss my family" Reki started shaking while thinking about the possibilities that could be happening. Langa sees this and cuddles up to reki and tells him to go to sleep. Reki falls asleep a blushing mess while Langa falls asleep being naive as always.

~To be continued...

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