𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟶

Depuis le début

Fundy and Niki began to celebrate, hugging each other. You could make out the mocking voice of Quackity yelling, "The pity votes!" Regardless, you were glad that they weren't angry about the results.

"With sixteen percent of the votes, in third place, is," Wilbur paused, for dramatic effect or to peer closer at the parchment, "Schlatt2020."

The call of Schlatt's party didn't seem to affect him, only a raised eyebrow and careless smirk. Your expression turned slightly curious.

Two parties left. Only two.

"Now. In second place, with thirty percent of the popular votes." Wilbur swallowed. You held your breath.

Come on...


Come on, come on, come on...

"Led by."

Get on with it already!

"The party leader Quackity. SWAG2020."

Your eyes widened as Tommy erupted into cheers, turning to Wilbur with a glee-filled grin.

"YEAAAAAHHHHHH!" he shouted, grabbing onto Wilbur's arm and shaking it.

"Meaning! Meaning that- meaning that the winner of the popular vote, by forty-five percent, is POG2020."

Your eyes connected briefly with Schlatt's, Schlatt's innocently deceptive ones, and then you knew. You knew.

Something wasn't right.

You reached for your axe as Wilbur tried to interrupt. "Listen, listen, listen, stop- stop, please, please. Please stop celebrating. Stop celebrating."

Tommy seemed to not hear him, fist punching the air above him. "We did it, we did it Wilbur! We did it!"

"Tommy- Tommy, please. I'm- I-" Wilbur's gaze fell down to the audience, looking at you before going back to Tommy and sighing. "Two weeks ago, Quackity made a deal with- um- Schlatt. Quackity stated that no matter- no matter what happens, he would pool the votes of SWAG2020 with the votes of Schlatt2020. So, the coalition of-"

No. This couldn't- this couldn't-

Sixteen percent. Plus thirty percent. Equals-


"Forty-six percent of the vote."

Your hands flew to your mouth, the dark laughs of Quackity, George, and Schlatt overtaking the gasps and exclamations of the crowd.

"Meaning that tonight, Tuesday, the twenty-second of September, the alliance of Schlatt and SWAG2020 has been inaugurated." Wilbur squeezed his eyes shut and looked down to the ground. "Sch- President Schlatt, please step up to the podium and give your inauguration speech."

You watched in shock as Wilbur took his seat in the audience next to you. Tommy was still in denial, stuck on the stage.

"You're- you're sure, Wilbur? By one percent? One percent?"

"Get down, Tommy, this place isn't yours anymore!" Quackity cackled, pushing the teen off.

Wilbur immediately wrapped Tommy in a tight embrace, looking up to the election podium. You placed a hand on Wilbur's shoulder. The arm that he wasn't holding Tommy with draped tightly around your waist.

"Tommy, we're citizens tonight," you heard him say. "Listen to Schlatt."

Your mouth hung slightly open, lips ghosting over words you couldn't seem to form. Schlatt tapped on the microphone, a devilish grin forming on his features.

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